General Discussion

General DiscussionRoaming pudge.

Roaming pudge. in General Discussion
Vem Comigo

    So i like to play some pudgerino sometimes, and when people already pick mid, i do a ganker/roamer pudge,
    i smoke gank, buy and place wards,
    but when i go for items i only have 3 main ones, tranquils + lens + aghs, after that what do i do? - i bought the blademail, cuz of the aghs blood ,and the double ult.
    and how can i get xp more frequently, i look like a roamer bh, got my lvl 6 at 10 minutes?


      Orchid first better

      Pale Mannie

        Go for aghs when youre leading hard. Else not
        Better buy some mobility after Aether Lens. Force staff when youre behind and Blink when youre ahead and enemies are mobile or both if you want.
        If youre roaming, get smokes. Since he has low armor you need to buy either Blademail, Lotus Orb, AC or Shivas. AC is recommended when your team has no AC carry. Lotus orb when you or your team lack strong dispels. Blademail when they hate you. Shivas in combination with aghs/force staff for infinite mana supply.

        Laning stage may suck so try to get some lasthits and bait the supports into your hooks so you get some xp and gold for roaming.

        I know im normal skill but this can work