General Discussion

General Discussionriki = ez mmr

riki = ez mmr in General Discussion

    not some phantom riki shit


      420 kda good shit


        How do you usually build him? 420 kda pretty legit


          dafuk OP, dont blame phantom riki. he teach how how to riki properly.


            Riki sicne new ulti is imba, even bh/slardar is not a problem. Besides, echo saber on riki is just ownage, blink dmg+double backstab dmg is deadly for most of the supports.
            Just go: treads, orb of venom, yasha, echo, diffusial, daedaus, basher, desolator (those 3 last can be switched in some situations) in late late u can also go divine.

            Well, echo on riki is a must, with such good statistics and double attack, echo saber is even more effective than on slark.
            I won most of games with riki this season and yeah, this hero is jsut imba, with the echo is just deadly.


              SE ASIA SEA ASIA
              SE ASIA SEA ASIA
              SE ASIA SEA ASIA

              ASSESS Product

                Just tried echo saber on riki. Not dissapointed.


                  get gud

                  tranquil is a core item

                  i play offlane mostly
                  - steal rune [no dust but sentry on opponent? place 1 ward @ river, steal rune, deward opponent sentry with quickcast tango]
                  - deward opponent sentry with tango+sentry
                  - avoid dust detection before lvl 6, once dusted = confirmed death

                  core early item
                  - tranquil, poor man shield, orb venom, magic wand, infused raindrop/blight stone

                  mid game
                  - diffusal, yasha, basher, dagger/echo saber

                  late game
                  #1 abyssal, satanic/sny/butterfly/bkb, dagger, mkb, linken, travel
                  #2 abyssal, moonstone, mkb, linken, travel, dagger
                  #3 mkb, daedalus, linken, travel, dagger

                  SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                    Show me the way of the offlane riki



                      you're normal skill

                      wats ur point


                        ^did anyone mention yet that he's a shit player with an equally shitty attitude who at one point named himself "PROFESSIONAL FLAMER" and made threads about how he hates this game for continually queuing him with "idiots" that in reality are probably mirrors of his own sub-par skill?


                          well I got 7+ kda on riki with same build but phantom riki is a legend on the hero with natural god given talent so dont talk shit about him 4head eligigle

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                          IKKEEHHH AHHH KIMOCHIIIIIII

                            how dude.... jst how


                              hey One stop losing games dude and spam just 3 to 5 heroes atmost or ull end up just making a new account cause ur dropping on skill bracket and that might become permanent
                              ps hehe just saying


                                lmao barney dont talkl pls ur just normal skill scrub

                                get gud and talk

                                Long hard road out of 2k

                                  pick axe SeemsGood