General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes with the most interesting abilities

Heroes with the most interesting abilities in General Discussion

    Like invoker, slark, pudge storm spirits, or all the spirits for that matter. Forces a very unique style of play. Keeps the game really interesting

    Then u have really retarded and uninteresting heroes that should just be deleted from dota to make the game
    More interesting. Like viper n wraith king.

    Thoughts? What heroes are really uninteresting or one dimensional, and which heroes should are most interesting for u

    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Most Interesting: Elder Titan
      Most uninteresting: Wraith King

      Dune, the Desert Planet

        Would link that video of Puppey talking about Earth Spirit, but I'm too lazy.


          Just lol... Most interesting ability is lichs sacrifice makes u lvl 3 b4 anyone alse even See creeps.. Almost magic


            Most uninteresting=Techies
            Most interesting: Invoker/oracle