General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting better at dota!

Getting better at dota! in General Discussion

    Hello, I have been playing dota for over a year now, i have clocked in about 1.7k hours. I calibrated into 200 mmr solo and party, at level 13 in s1 (big mistake!). That is beside the point. I currently have 1k mmr and 1.7k party mmr. I would like to know what i can do to get better at dota. Please dont just tell me to get gud scrub, or watch replays. Even by just watching replays, sometimes i dont think i am doing anything wrong. Overall, I am not saying I am the best player ever, but i am kinda mad since many of my friends just calibrated to 3k and dont even know what radiance (item) is. I myself made a smurf and calibrated to 3.7k, but I dont really want to play that, I want to earn my MMR. Looking at my recent games, I havent played amazingly, i know that. Please feel free to offer me some advice guys!

    For you lazy readers: I calibrated 200 mmr, am now 1k, what can i doto get better.


      Look at the important things , GPM if your playing a carry, if your a support look at your ward timings and ward positioning.
      If you honest to god cannot climb after doing that and getting that to your best, then you can invoker spam outa 1k pretty easily.

      King of Low Prio

        if you can not see what you are doing wrong then you will never get better even pros make tons of mistakes in games

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          BUY HOLD DRS

            King of low prio, I realize that, but sometimes I think that I do things because I have to. Like rushing a specific item to counter someone on the enemy team, but then my entire team seems to not always be as good as the enemy, not saying they suck, but saying they aren't as good.


              I currently have 1k mmr and 1.7k party mmr

              I myself made a smurf and calibrated to 3.7k

              pretty sure that this is bullshit


                i mean there are apes in both of these mmrs but this is a little ridiculous difference

                BUY HOLD DRS

                  Not sure how to quote things sooo I'll just reply here. Arin that is about 1 year and a half more experience, and my friends who just started even calibrated 3k and don't even know more heroes than say phantom assassin. They aren't aware that items like radiance exist. And no it isn't bullshit, it just happened like that. I did spam OD mid, so that may have something to do with it

                  King of Low Prio

                    link the accounts


                      lemme tell you sth...
                      2 years ago i started to play dota 2 and calibrated at 1.3k ... after 2 years and more than 3000 hours playing dota couldn't boost it more than 2.5k ... dont waste your time ... in 2k mmr 50 % of the time there are some feeder in your team and you lose , 50 % of the time there are some feeder in enemy team and you win ... so you can't get the fuck out of 2k...
                      make a smurf acc like i did . this is my smurf which is Very High Skill ( +3800 )

                      King of Low Prio

                        Devil u are 3.4k

                        King of Low Prio

                          and that is only because valves algorithm pushes smurfs higher to not ruin games for new people. Your stats show u play like a 2k player in the 3k bracket


                            Same problem - unranked solo all vhs or hs - so probably around 3.5k. But my ranked is stuck in 1k, partly because I always stack with friends but they are all ~1.5k


                              I was stuck at 3.8 for years and managed to increase it by 1K to 4.85K now in a space of 3-4 months.

                              Watch streams and replays, think about each action the better player is doing and try to understand his reasoning behind it.

                              Of course you can look at the mistakes you've made, but i prefer to look at the 'right actions' that I did not do e.g not tping in time when my mid/safe lane is being dived, not ganking/simply ignoring my team when my lane is safe to farm for a while, but they really need my help.

                              I spammed some heros till i felt i was not effective in it and moved on to another. Taking mostly offlane, this ensured that I would be able to play the role i wanted to most of the time. Having more skill in a particular helps, obvious but i have to say it.

                              Mental attitude. There are many things you cant change. A safe lane which is gettting crushed at min 1, your mid laner feeding. Change what you are able to, e.g gank mid/safe lane, secure runes. There will always be players that dont deserve their current mmr, BUT if you keep up with a postive attitude and look towards improving YOUR OWN gameplay, your mmr will increase, slowly BUT SURELY.

                              No matter when role you are playing, if you need vision, buy it. Sentry, observer wards, dusts etc. It is not worth a death or a missed kill just because your support is 'supposed' to do it. Of course, it would be better if you did not need to spend your gold if your support could do that for you, but if they dont, would you not do what's needed to win, instead of complaining and blaming your team?

                              Player 175043649

                                you wont improve much if you play at 1k, just make your smurf your main and youll do just fine
                                just dont ruin games