General Discussion

General DiscussionEcha sabre vs Sny!!!

Echa sabre vs Sny!!! in General Discussion

    ^Which one would you pick on POS 1 carries like Sven,slark and in what situations?? Also is echo sabre legit on spec instead of drums as drums got nerfed?

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    me, government hooker

      garbage on slark
      good on spec


        Dragon Lance is better.


          echo costs way more than drums

          sny on sven and slark all the time instead of echo


            ^entirely bonkers - Are you kidding mate? Or serious?

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            el niño peruano

              never trust VHS players boys


                "never trust VHS players boys"



                  why would u need this shit on slark?

                  waku waku

                    sny sucks now LE ECHO SABER for life


                      i report everyone who buys echo saber unless he's going 10 0 with it

                      waku waku

                        cancer lancer and sven with echo saber is not the same thing trust me


                          If a hero has a crit, bash or cleave passive then it is of some value on that hero.
                          The only two heros I consider it core on are PA and Void (I build battlefury on both and focus on farming).
                          It's ok on sven, but honestly overrated. he gets more out of an item like armlet.

                          Swap Commends

                            If u have decent farm & kills in early game,saber is win item if not go for other core items like sb,bkb and stuff


                              Echossaber is too gimmicky for my tatse. If you really need more attack speed, get a moon shard. You need a bash or a slow, get SnY or basher. Why get an item that does half as good as both then get one that does one half better


                                its pretty good on tiny; solves mana issues plus the two hits after combo ensures kills on even tanky enemies. More importantly, it synergizes perfectly with his abysmally low attack speed.

                                bracer->wand->basi->treads->echo-saber->blink + aghs or direct aghs watevr floats ur boat. basi optional too, i buy it for the early armour.


                                  How is Echo Saber bad on slark. you hit them after shadowblade or blink, they can't move because of that you can prolong your jump preventing them to move again, by the end of the pounce saber is up again and they can't move once more

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    They are very different items with very different costs too it's apples and oranges.


                                      I agree with Resurgent. It's pretty good on Tiny. Especially if you have a need to go silver edge. Bonus damage+2 hits+Tiny combo=gg


                                        echo is super great on sven, garbage on slark

                                        fungus mungus

                                          Echo is a good item for the stats alone, doublehit is just a bonus. Gives about as much damage as sange +10 attackspeed and also lets you cast a ton of spells.

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                            @Matrice - could you please provide your explanation why so? IMO it's especially good on slark if you are snowballing/leading it's a good replacement for sny/drums type of item.

                                            Miku Plays

                                              haard hitting heroes like treant, tiny ;) pls dont get echo on lc

                                              ASSESS Product

                                                Yeah like Ashe$ said. Just want to know why echo saber bad for slark (i know it doesnt give agi stat but still...). Btw, it cost half of SnY and you could rush other item faster.


                                                  echo sabre on slark 4ever


                                                    you can quickly steal points for agi + after pounce you fit it an one shot extra
                                                    the mana regen is very important too, makes farming with dark pact much easier


                                                      stop trying meme builds on slark just go sblade silver edge break into skadi and SE again

                                                      me, government hooker

                                                        its just like when aether lens was first introduced
                                                        everyone bought it on supports like mindless retards, same thing with this item and carries