General Discussion

General DiscussionPlayers in Ranked Games

Players in Ranked Games in General Discussion
Eternal Meow

    The quality of my ranked games seems way lower to me than unranked. There are often people raging in the mic at the loading screen. Way more people seem to be drunk and/or on drugs (not the mellow kind) or have some obvious mental issues. Several games end with someone apologizing for their friend's behavior and saying he's got bipolar/autism/Tourette's/whatever that makes him behave that way so please don't report him. One time the player actually changed halfway through the game. It switched from a male voice raging in the mic and playing terrible to a female apologizing for her boyfriend's behavior. She was a lot better than he was.

    There are a lot of trolls who intentionally use abilities to save the enemies who are about to die. Several games I've been in had an allied Vengeful Spirit who always used swap to save an enemy who was about to die and then type, "LOL! NOOBS!" People throwing the game on purpose, openly admitting it. Sometimes they say it at hero selection screen. Usually someone abandons after around 10-15 mins. Team mates are very hostile toward one another right from the start.

    All these things happen in unranked too, but at a much lower frequency. I do report them and I see them going into low prio later. I get all my reports back from ranked game reports. It's too bad you can't get the mmr back, but that would obviously be abused if you could.

    I don't see much reason to play ranked mode if everyone is so miserable there. It's a mix of irritable ragers who started the game in a rage, trolls that think losing is fun, and a few people that are genuinely trying and really can't understand why we're losing in a game where the reasons are very obvious.

    Is this the general mood of most ranked games? Does it get better in higher skill brackets or just more of the same? Why is it so different from my unranked games? I would say these sorts of players appear in 80-90% of my ranked games, and appear in 10% or less unranked.

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      as u climb up the Skill brackets the amount of trolls will decrease. But fear not, these kind of players are found everywhere


        no, its only about very low mmr games


          the toxicity remains constant tho, so if u cant handle it, then ur game experience gonna be negative at all levels, i suppose

          Eternal Meow

            Are people in ranked more toxic than unranked at all levels? The people in my unranked games seem better both in mood and play style. I don't find it that bad in the unranked because it occurs less often. And toxic players in unranked don't even compare to toxic ranked ones.


              when i used to play unranked, there was less toxicity there, but it was 2 years ago and at around 4k mmr. its a reasonable consequence of a less competitive environment, imo.

              Eternal Meow

                I assume they are toxic because they are competitive and want to win, but their toxicity is usually the reason we are losing. The most toxic player is usually the worst and often the primary reason we lose. Good players can be toxic too, but nearly always the most toxic is the worst player.


                  at least you are at high mmr's im still in games with lion/dazzle mid. 1k mmr club.

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                    there can always be some angry player(s) in your team, at any mmr even if you are 6k+


                      Mute them = profit?

                      Eternal Meow

                        Muting them won't stop them from trying to throw the game. And lately I can only mute voice or text, not both.

                        ASSESS Product


                          Worry not. This kind of people that I meet in every 2k game. This vs has fcking 3k in his solo mmr but play worse than 1k. He never gank and never come when I ask to sod mid gank. The only thing he doing are just keep farming and farming but his last hit are worse. He report me for no item and low lvl, I mean like wtf? I'm the one that only buy ward. If he at least help me warding i can finish scepter already. I think he just lucky he manage to get 3k bcoz his team carry her and win. I'm glad the next I check his profile, he lose 6 games in a row. The problem with SEA is the communication. Most of em either are kids or dun understand english at all.

                          Fee Too Pee

                            Useless jungler carry everyhwere

                            King of Low Prio

                              It happens on both teams stop obsessing over them mute n report. Online gaming comes with toxity if you can't handle it play hello kitty island adventure

                              a positive player

                                It's really about mentality. Because im in mmr hell its even more difficult to make progress even when your teammates are nice. But in the case of toxicity,I usually go mid and may even mute all players to focus on snowballing through the game. You cant really rely on your teammates. You have to do everything on your own. If your support the games a coin toss.

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                                    What mmr is this? I never run into any of these kinds of things. Every long while someone will be toxic, but they get reported and show up very rarely.

                                    People suck at my level, but every one knows this and no one intensionally throws.


                                      I think everything you say is irrelevant to everything on this forum ^^

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                                        Such is true