General Discussion

General DiscussionNewbie here

Newbie here in General Discussion

    Been playing dota 2 for 3 months using my friend's account. Now I decided to make my own account to atest whether my skills are already decent for dota2. Any suggestions about my improvement here? Been an earth spirit user ever since cause I love mobile heroes a lot. How to improve my skill as a player?

    P.S. My friend recommended this dotabuff thingy and it's great I can see my stats here and many more.

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Play more heroes.


        le balanced spotfinder. I play him too don't get mixed up, he used to be broken as shit.

        If you wanna get good you might want to try to mix up your item choices and roam early game with boots and orb of venom and your W. If your bracket is too bad and you cant land kills, try other heros and get the hang of 3 or 4 offlaners.


          Yes those are my starting items when i set early ganks esp at mid

          Eternal Ember

            Just focus on your gameplay, I'll be honest. Your a normal skilled player. Don't smurf if you haven't improved well.. Dota bracket system is clever than what you think😂

            Eternal Ember

              Compare how you play earth spirit to how I play him. I'm 5th position usually on him. Glhf on your smurf dude


                It's the second post with the same question you have added in 2 days. -> . And the story on both is different. I say stop spamming on this forum and trying to get to brackets you simply don't belong to. Cheers


                  learn to play slark to kill people, learn to playu antimage to farm good, learn to play meepo for some micro

                  sky is a interesting hero for support, witch doctor, lich is very easy and strong.

                  morphling is very cool and strong but its hard to be decent at him (but u wont regret the time spen learning this hero).

                  es is good for overall positioning and decision making i think, so u can keep playing him.

                  thats for what heroes to try to play best for getting better at certain things.
                  in general if you really wanna git gud, watch some stream of a good player, try to mimic what they do until you understand it.
                  be competitive and try to win every game (dont get upset at losses tho, its experience kappa).

                  if you are really new - practice last hitting if you are carry, practice positioning and warding/dewarding , when to smoke as support (but dont play support if you arent at least in highskill cuz it doesnt matter lower)
                  practice looking at minimap every now and then between lasthits to see if there is any hero missing that can be coming to your lane to kill you etc.

                  good luck man


                    even if its just your smurf and ur ashamed to admit it, everything that i wrote above still applies


                      It applies but not really for new players. To get better at the game at the beginning one just has to play and the understanding of the game will come in time. I don't think that anyone in 1k understands for ex. what positioning means and how important it is. Just play. This may help as well ->