General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Puck Build Idea

New Puck Build Idea in General Discussion

    Go for a right click build!
    1. Shadowblade / Euls (or both)
    2. Orchid
    3. Eye of Skadi
    4. Upgrade the Orchid / Shadowblade
    5. Scythe
    6. Moonshards and Rapiers.

    Puck is such an ideal Rapier holder, if he gets the attack speed. If you seriously consider that tho, you will probably want a LS for a bit more escape.

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      Blink dagger is still core + PT right?

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        Correct. Puck isn't worth a Puck without Blink. For right click, PT would be a given. I'm sure there is a better item than the Skadi though. I just like it because it gives stats across the board, and has a pretty decent slow.

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        lm ao

          Puck as a rightclicker isnt wholly bad as an idea, gven her 1.7 bat, good int and ok agi. But the idea of rightclickers is to be able to contribute consistent damage and can sustain himself for the fight, somethimg which puck cant always do, as its designed to initiate and weave in and out of battle while at the same time, providing the needed crowd control which it offers

          Your Wife's Boyfriend

            It is actually good


            1. Blink
            2. Scythe
            3. I like the skadi idea
            4. Consider replacing shadow blade or moonshard with mjollnir
            5. At least 1 def item (linken, bkb, etc.)
            6. Situational dmg item. (mkb, crit whether bloodadfs sword or daedalus, etc.)

            I would start with pt and blink then maelstrom (pretty good farming potential with those 3) > hex > skadi (or linken or bkb, if the game is too hard, mb skadi + bkb, linken) > mjollnir > dmg item

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              Well, I'd still go with Euls, cuz early Puck will feed if silenced, and you can get some more chase down. Also, the few stats it gives allows you to clear waves with your Q and W (especially if you are tread switching with a bottle). The Defensive item is a must, I'd say you just have to take your pick between the Linkens or Euls depending on the lineup you are against. BKB is quite a pricey item for a hero that can banish itself from the field for up to 9 seconds with a Euls (unless you are against a pudge)...

              The Mjollnir sounds good, I'd replace SB with that. I think the Orchid is almost a staple to this build though. You are looking at playing against cancerous Storm Spirits, and TA's (at least in the games I've been playing), and it builds into a great late-game item now.

              @EreGiggeru, I like Puck the way she is played currently, I just think that this is worth trying. Imagine having the crowd-control affect she has, but to weave in and out, silencing and bursting down the supports while still being able to stand up to the carries.

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                With the buffs to magic damage, I think offlane Puck will be a little bit more common? See something along the lines of:
                1. Euls
                2. Linkens Sphere / Shiva's
                3. Aghs + Refresher Orb / Scythe


                  refresher on Puck? once she has like 6-8 Mana PS she is fine on mana. If you are six slotted?

                  Eternal Ember

                    Why choose those noob 3k dotka item choice OP 😂if its easier to get blink,dagon5,ethereal blade, Shivas,octarine core, travel boot. Common kid, puck HP?puck armor? puck attack speed? Really a good rapier holder?😇 . better try that build on lina, don't forget bkb on lina son

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                      some real talk coming from 40% winrate smurf

                      < blank >

                        A disappointment for all Storm players out there


                          soum reel advise from fotti weenreyt smoorf

                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                            so you want to be positional huh:
                            * forcestaff
                            * blink
                            * euls
                            * vyse
                            * agh
                            * refresher
                            whatever the fuck this build is


                              Hurricane Puck?

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                A disappointment for all Storm players out there

                                Did u call me?