General Discussion

General Discussioncalibrating system

calibrating system in General Discussion

    in the first game, i have won playing with 3,7k mmr average. and next game its down to 3,4k mmr average.
    now i have won 6-1 tbd match, and still playing with 3,5k mmr. can someone explain about the calibrating system?

    sorry for my english, best english. thanks before :')

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      It's not about winning it's about your gameplay

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        lm ao



            so if you lose with your "good gameplay" it will increase your mmr?

            Bloodied Mordecai

              mmr is a mystery only understood by god. As with god you just gotta accept it and move on.


                ^ quote of the day

                Player 175043649

                  yes, even if you lose but you have good performance on the game it will increase your calibrating mmr
                  look at my calibrating match, i lose the game but i get to the vhs bracket from hs


                    it is based off of objectives/time as well as your farm compared to game average XP/game avg LH/game avg Gold/game avg. as wel as some other stuff. If you focus on low deaths high farm good push you will get higher calibration than low farm 4 KDA mid lane objectives and low LH.

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                        wtf is this


                          It's all about "good performance" (win or lose). High kills, assist, gpm & xpm. Gank tons and thats it.


                            allright, i got the point. ty


                              LOL he went from VHS - HS - Normal Skill Bracket in 24 hours xddddddddddddddd


                                It does not looks that he is in normal skill. According yasp he has now 3413 MMR. Dude how much mmr did you calibrated ?

                                But if you are playing VHS games it does not means that you will become to VHS in MMR.


                                  LUL that normal skill because i'm playing with 2,8k party average btw xD

                                  yeah, thats right. my solo mmr is 3413

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                                    It's all about being good at the game