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General DiscussionSerious question regarding attidude of this guy

Serious question regarding attidude of this guy in General Discussion

    I'm curious because just about 2 hours ago, my mother did something really similar.

    Basically she entered apartment really upset. At first I didn't know what's going on, then I realised she got mad at my brother (younger, 12y old).

    Basically the reason why she got mad at him is because he was playing foothball in new sneakers that she bought him few weeks ago.

    He had sneakers for foothball, however I guess he was just lazy or some shit, so he decided to play it in his new ones.

    While I agree that it's not nice to do such things, esp, since I live in Serbia, and while pair of sneakers might not be a big deal outside of Serbia, that's like 35% of paycheck here.

    It's just that she took his mobile phone and smashed it to the ground, which resulted in screen being broken and phone being unusable.

    It was kinda scary, since I remember this guy doing the same shit with laptop of his dauther, but yeah, he used his "45" instead of raw force I guess.

    I didn't try to get in her way or to tell her what to do, since it's not my job to do that, but I feel sorry for my brother, and obviously, he was upset.

    It's not like I had no-one to share this with, but the fact that a lot of people can read this, means I'll get objective answers.

    To be honest, I don't support decision to destroy healthy Android Phone of 100$ just because she felt like doing it. Typical Serbian attidude: (I bought it, I'll destroy it).

    Ce sujet a été édité

      No,no,no NO!


        Nobody wants to hear your dogshit drama and that kind of shit doesn't only happen in poor ass serbia.
        My dad also broke my brand new iphone back in the day for some retarded reason I don't remember and I beat the shit out of him as a result


          It's not about my drama, I'm just curious to see what people think. It's not like it affects me in any way, coinsidering the fact I'm 25 year old.

          It's not my problem that your dad broke your iphone either. As a matter of a fact. I coinsider people who do that not so normal actually.

          I don't understand why would you ruin perfectly healthy device just because you feel like doing it.

          me, government hooker


            anyways hes probably doing the right thing, just taking it to a new fancy level



              Explain me how the fuck shooting the laptop/smashing the things is right thing?

              He didn't want to go viral with this video I think, but regardless, why would you do that?

              Also the fact that she'd ground his dauther for not doing some of daily shit every day makes me think she was just forcing her way too much in the first place.

              waku waku

                These things are different. If you live in a poor country and get mad at some for supposedly "wasting" expensive stuff, and you break more expensive stuff a result, not only it's retarded, it's hypocrisy.

                That guy, on the other hand, had more stuff to get upset over with in first place as well as his daughter being older, and he's not from a poor country so it might as well be justified. It still is rude as fuck, but depending on how much money it cost you in the end, it might just be a nice way to discipline someone. Except it actually isn't.

                Personally, if my parents had done that I'd have tried to give them a beating as well, and then hated them. Partly because Russia is a poor shithole as well, and partly because ALL my conflicts with them stem not from me being an ungrateful brat, but just a lazy ass.


                  Black Bunny, I agree. Well he can't really beat them, he's young.

                  Also I think you made some good points. And I like that regardless of them, you realised how rude is it to act like that.

                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                    Mom had a right to be mad but the reaction is really weird (at least for USA).

                    Parents take away things indefinitely far before they break anything. I feel like the equivalent punishment here would have been the kid has to pay the cost of the sneakers (and just not have money/ be grounded till he does so).

                    Breaking his phone would be cruel and unusual.

                    me, government hooker

                      who cares if he shot the laptop or not lol whats the difference between destroying it so his daughter cant use it or taking it away from her so she cant use it

                      and the words she said about her parents, the people who raised her and gave her all the opportunities she has, proves that shes an ungrateful c.unt. maybe his punishment or whatever is a bit severe but hes right

                      i would never talk like that about my parents

                      ur situation is different but i dont think u provided all the details
                      breaking his phone for dirtying his shoes sounds a bit absurd really


                        If you get upset or angry by any reason you'll answer by doing something equally bad that makes the other person angry/upset in the same way.
                        Not that difficult logic to understand


                          Nothign more to say about my situation. It's simple as that. Exactly as you said. She broke his phone for "dirying" his shoes.

                          That's really absurd and cruel/rude to me, that's my point.

                          But sadly I can't just jump and argue with her, since that's not my job.

                          "If you get upset or angry by any reason you'll answer by doing something equally bad that makes the other person angry/upset in the same way. "

                          No, that's not good reaction by any means. While it might be easy to understand, that does not make it less bad.

                          Sometims by doing something equally bad or even going beyond that can put you into trouble.

                          Let's also not forget the fact that it's not really equally if you take phone and make it useless and just "play 10 mins of foothball" with your new sneakers.

                          You can use new sneakers after you play foothball with them, you can't really use damaged phone most of the times.

                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                            The one with the daughter is totally justified tho,you have no right to disrespect or insult your parents,esp on the internet.

                            Although that punishment for your brother was super harsh lmao


                              Reminds me of when I was homeschooled, and my dad worked in the building under out apartment. Everything was fine, until I remember that the PS2 that I was watching my school vid's on was still capable of playing PS2 games.
                              My dad took a hammer to it.
                              This moment shaped my life... I probably would never have started playing PC games if it weren't for this.


                                Nothing like a good ol beating when you are a child. (coming from a teenager)