General Discussion

General DiscussionNEW PATCH LEGIT 6.87

NEW PATCH LEGIT 6.87 in General Discussion

    Storm Spirit
    Added Scepter to Storm Spirit
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    Causes Electric Vortex to be a 475 AoE ability around your hero.
    Requires vision over the units to affect them.
    Base armor increased by 3

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        Banning phase in Ranked all pick, yeh this is the most retarded solution ever, like the freaking russians and mongoloezian and turkish communicate with others...




            you are wrong they will buff elder titan or rework him and nerfing legion commender second spell her attack speed or healings , invoker nerf cold snap duration


              ranged creeps 90 xp wutface


                HOLY SHIT


                  No more AM battlefury, more like AM vanguard + echo sabre into manta and upgraded orchid (instead of mkb) kappa.


                    BF still legit.


                      OD Int steal Rescaled. Invoker Nerfed to Bye bye. TA is back <3


                        Base armor increased by 3


                        game is bad

                          OD got a bunch of new fancy toys to play with, though.


                            Can't wait to play the new seeker.

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                              I love the rounded out numbers. 20 hp per strength doesn't require me to whip out a calculator.


                                "Illusions now benefit from Damage Block"

                                Manta style Tide here I come


                                  If rupture stacks octarine, forcestaff and refresh bs.

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    Actually axe + bs = gg.

                                    Player 88233242

                                      Doing the hp math before was just as easy. It was just 20*str - str.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Good nerfs for invoker, zeus, spectre and OD (holy shit od probably over nerfed).

                                        But wtf, sniper buff like 100 dmg over entire duration of rank 4 shrapnel, fucking pathetic. The problem with shrapnel is the activation delay and charge time not the dmg.

                                        And same for TB buff, he already has a shitton of armor, he needs hp so he doesn't die two 2 nukes early. Would much rather have 100 hp over 3 armor even though the armor is more ehp.

                                        Abyssal change is also really interesting. It essentially removes it from most carries, though an interesting case can be made now for spectre and possibly anti mage since they might actually find vanguard useful. I think it's a pretty sweet item for wraith king and bristleback though. And bb's other minor buffs might help him become relevant again.

                                        Also all the new items, sounds like they wanted to throw int heroes a bone with useful +dmg items.


                                          Now i can build lifestelal skadi viper kappa


                                            Looks like Octarine and Aether lens got nerfed + Drums. Diffusal blade slight buff ?


                                              How do you get test client?




                                                  Why is everyone saying TA is back? Am I missing something? They didn't even mention her lol

                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                    TA is back? She never left. But mini-deso is a nice touch for her. Towers giving armor makes dives harder for one of best divers. Roshan XP nerf hurts her.


                                                      Where did they mention her in the patch notes?

                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                        A hero doesn't have to be mentioned in the chagelog to be affected by the patch.


                                                          Is Tome of Knowledge worth keeping on CD?

                                                          Welt aus Eis

                                                            instead of going vlads after bf AMs will start going vang, calling it now


                                                              Icefrog is pissing on the body of the already dead Brewmaster.

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                Why would they go for VG AFTER BF though? It will have lost its entire purpose by now.


                                                                  Thats the issue: bf late and you lose out on farm, vang late and you lose usefulness of vang. Imo it won't be a good build.


                                                                    The thing about VG after BF is that u can build it into abyssal later now but i thing it will be like BF+MANTA+AB (VG+BASHER)

                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                      If you need Abyssal you are gonna buy Basher and then buy VG and recepie. Unless you need the VG actually (BB, mbmb Spec).

                                                                      Miku Plays

                                                                        If I see a Lc builds echo saber should rethink his life


                                                                          Orchid upgrade LC sounds funnier

                                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                            TA has less range than a melee hero now... Zzz


                                                                              wait wut

                                                                              Casus Belli

                                                                                lmao lich can now earn double xp of the lane opponents


                                                                                  no fucks given on sharpnel snip buff


                                                                                    Storm spirit got so much indirect buff though, im happy.

                                                                                    Welt aus Eis

                                                                                      whats wrong with getting vang after bf

                                                                                      it kinda accomplishes the same as vlads when it comes to mid game, improves your tankability meaning you can fight easily

                                                                                      super hard to kill you with magic damage cuz of spell shield + vang hp boost and hard to kill with physical damage cuz of high armor + vang block

                                                                                      builds into abyssal later which means you literally have 1 more slot since you wont be building vlads anymore (someone else in your team will)


                                                                                        About zeus, no he's not getting nerfed, he will deal the same amount of damage thx to the intel damage thing

                                                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                          ^ makes sense Sano, but AM usually sells Vlad's anyway. But why dafuq TA has less range than a melee hero?!?

                                                                                          Welt aus Eis

                                                                                            AM does not usually sell vlads, it's super strong late game

                                                                                            Welt aus Eis

                                                                                              usually a 6 slotted AM will have something like bots bf vlads manta abyssal butterfly consumed moonshard

                                                                                              Homzi(most wanted interna...

                                                                                                Intelligence now increases your spell damage by 1% per 16 Intelligence points.


                                                                                                Homzi(most wanted interna...

                                                                                                  Does that mean that od is stronger bow right ? 😅😅

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                                                                                                    bananas weren't removed when they pushed the patch to the main client.

                                                                                                    this shit is definitely for trolling right? gonna be removed?

                                                                                                    it gives +4 permanent intelligence too. and leaves a banana peel on ur origin when used which stuns anyone who goes over it.

                                                                                                    silenceR+timbersaw new meta????