General Discussion

General DiscussionStat steal?

Stat steal? in General Discussion

    It seems like the heroes that steal stats are pretty strong right now. Could it have to do with the stat steal or just lack of balance in general?
    I'd say stat steal isn't op when it's done in moderation, but it's being taken too far.

    Pale Mannie

      My wings beat with the rythms of eternity


        Whose quote is that?


          i dont know what this thread is about

          King of Low Prio

            His logic is since OD is broken every hero that stat steals is broken.

            TLDR: he's pretty dense


              I wouldn't mind seeing this mechanic completely gone tbh.


                Slark and OD are both t1 picks and they both stat steal so I'm asking whether or not that is the reason.


                  I don't watch that much comp dota but if slark really is a t1 pick I'd really "wow" right now. And there is also silencer, and timber(he doesn't really steal though). And it's not like OD's and slark's stat steals have much in common. It's like saying that heroes with HP removal damage is OP and throwing in Spectre and Necrophos as arguments.


                    I reckon the buff Terrorblade needs to become viable is that he steals one point of strength with every attack.

                    Either that or every time he is involved with a hero kill he gains extra strength like pudge.

                    ASSESS Product

                      @Murranji How about no.