General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat Kind Of Heroes That Suits My Style? ( serious pls)

What Kind Of Heroes That Suits My Style? ( serious pls) in General Discussion

    So after playing hundreds of games and playing different roles from 1 to 5.

    I come up with the role that really suits me well... I like early to mid game ganking and involve in teamfights at level 7. Plus my last hits still need some improving..

    In my skill bracket i can't do the position 1 and 2 because believe me it's different from what I watch and the concept of trilane ppl dont know and the supports getting the farm from you and bla bla know what im getting at

    So the only thing I can do is playing a ganking hero..

    Only 2 heroes come in my mind which is Necrophos and night stalker...Necro as a 3 and NS as 4 or 5...

    Ganking at lvl 7 is the only thing that I can make sure to win the games and not relying to others ...


      Riki BH


        Spirit Breaker, Earth Spirit, supports like Lion, Vengeful Spirit also gank really good.


          Oh yeah and spiritbreaker is in my hero pool also...thats maybe my 3rd most played hero


            Position 4 roaming sup like earth spirit and bh.






                  meepo,windranger,nature prophet

                  1k mmr was here ~

                  Bourbon Kid

                    Shadow Shaman - good roamer if you know u can leave ur lane buddy alone for a gank

                    2 reliable disables ,1 decent nuke and an ulti worth using in teamfights or destroying objectives.

                    If game went well, grab Aether Lens and/or Blink for long-range CC asap


                      Tiny and weaver


                        Tiny? Isnt he a carry


                          Tony is so gay he can be any role. Offlane, Midlane, Safelane, Junglelane huehue


                            I played squishy support guys like ss and cm...clearly in my skill bracket in sea playing squishy supps are not good idea...maybe higher bracket when everybody knows what theyre doing


                              why is it not? I play squish supports just fine. It's ok to die as long as your cores are alive I believe


                                i.e silencer, dazzle...

                                Lets do Science

                                  Sounds like you enjoy fighting bad guys alot. In general, heroes like Abaddon, Bounty Hunter, Undying, Ogre Magi, Spirit Breaker, Earth Spirit, Vengeful Spirit, Lion, Bedazzled, Crystal Maiden, Chen, or Enigma. In that pool, there's a very good mix of heroes who do nothing but constantly run at the enemy all game, and the more opportunistic murderators. Though pretty much all of them are both capable, and want to end games sooner than later.


                                    Best roamer is bounty hunter. Chen and enchantress can be considered roamers.


                                      As I said...I need to assist or help the cores kill early game and snowball early game...I dont think it would happen if I play Dazzle...


                                        Its normal bracket SEA uncoordinated and rarely they want to

                                        you all cant carry me

                                          Once tiny gets lvl 6 early through mid he can basically gank everyone


                                            Like...I own my lane with Crystal Maiden butother lane lising...I doubt if i play roamer cm I could do thay much.


                                              cm is played better as roamer with one more support who will also roam.


                                                Honestly there are many heroes that can be strong during the mid game especially utilizing the proper tools like Smoke Some that come to mind. I list some heroes twice because you can play them as another greedy core in low brackets or you can ward and actually support with them.

                                                Semi Cores: Night STalker, SPirit Breaker, Necrophos, Vengeful spitit, Enigma, Natures Prophet, Pudge, Axe, Sand King

                                                Supports, Vengeful, SPirit Breaker, Enigma, Skywrath Mage, Zeus< Crystal Maiden, Sand King.

                                                Now you said you are playing in a bracket of uncordiantion but let me ask you a question. When you rotate to push a tower do you get rotations from enemies or does the towrer just fall everywhere you go?

                                                If you are looking to start Teamfights with your rotations heroes like

                                                Jakiro, Chen, Enigma, Undying, Venomancer are REALLY potent at bringing other players to lanes to try and kill them because they push towers really fast and are weak in 1v1/2v2 scenarioes but excel in 3v3 3v4 and 3v5. Veno wards/Veno ult and Gale, Undying tomb, Decay stacks. Chen creeps to overwhelm them without them realizing thier damage out put.

                                                Just food for thought. I hope you find some good heroes.