General Discussion

General Discussioninvoker vs zeus

invoker vs zeus in General Discussion
Granite Lee

    I got a retard who couldn't kill the zeus even 1 time.. like how?

    Doesn't help that my useless idiot teammates picked the 2 squishiest supports in cm and bh.

    This is ranked. How the fuck does this shit happen to me



      Granite Lee

        how many fucking retards do i have to have in one fucking week playing ranked. my ranked winning percentage is fucking 30% because of retarded fucks

        All you retards go die


          Or you know, instead of bitching at others, you can improve your own skill and get better


            ur ranked winrate is 30% cz u succeeded in smurfing and calibrated higher than ur real mmr is. as a result, you are losing now. what did u expect?

            Granite Lee

              no my ranked winrate is shit because i get fucking retarded fucks who have no concept of dota. and they should be fucking 1k mmr.

              obviously you're a fucking retarded fuck. yea fucking noob fuck. fuck off

              Granite Lee

                if i could have 5 of me i would win every fucking game. obviously that isn't fucking possible you stupid shit. im fucking good. im not a retard like all you fucking retards.

                Granite Lee

                  there is nothing wrong with me you idiots. how many times do i have to say i lose because of retarded fucks on my team. its a fucking 5 player game. its takes 5 to win. get 2 retards and you lose immediately


                    RAWWRRR ANGER kappa


                      lmao this kohdaddy is a retardi t seems lol!


                        the more u say its ur team's fault, the more obvious it becomes that u lose cz u r bad urself, and drag ur teammates down


                          Holding that much rage inside isnt good, go fap or smh.. Also git gud xD


                            Just continue to play more ranked games, you'll see it return to your main account mmr

                            Granite Lee

                              yea look i support im fucking good. i get retards who don't understand how to. in ranked the fuck.

                              Im fucking good i should be fucking 6k. fuck. i would enjoy killing every single fucking retard. they ruin this game and they are probably useless fucks in real life


                                Looking at your past matches, clearly you're a support player. Kappa


                                  Why's Kohler cryin?
                                  CAUSE HE JUST GOT DUNKED ON

                                  WP triplesteal WP

                                  But anyway, yeah 99.99% of the time, it's usually ur fault for not placing higher in the MMR. The fact that ur surfing to do that says all.

                                  Hell, I'll probably place higher than you if I smurfed cause I know I can get myself higher. I just don't give 2 fucks otherwise


                                    here is life man , sometimes you will get 4 retard in your team and you need to carry all of them , and sometimes you will be the one retard in your team and they will carry you .


                                      Also get 2 retards and lose immediately means that you and your ego brought the whole team down.



                                        Is it this one?
                                        Man :D

                                        Also, requesting to close a thread.
                                        "OP obviously need to calm a bit"
                                        I believe mods here ever done this.


                                          Loser smurf rage aye


                                            OP picked Ursa and had no good stunner/disable to deal with Earth Spirit...i dont think anyone in ur team know how to deal with Ebola Spirit either..
                                            I would ve used Doom this game instead of Ursa, and if u were with least try to be a leader and minimize their bad play
                                            Btw, most supports out there r not very good D: