General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp on calibrating

Help on calibrating in General Discussion
Shadow Moon

    So I created new account before approx. one week. I know your opinion about smurf accounts. Anyway.. I have played all my games in Normal Skill bracket except one that was in VHS(for no reason I got there). I have in almost all games KDA > 3. In some matches I dont play well but everyone has ups and downs. What I wanted to ask is that maybe I just suck or eventually I will be put in HS?

    Player 175043649

      most likely there is not enough people to queue in single draft without being in LP so the mm system match you up with them to get 10 people
      my 1st vhs game is also like that as you can see here i have no idea how to play wr and ck in my team just stomps everyone

      Shadow Moon

        So, I should queue in SD to go to High Skill for example? Do you see a reason why I am in Normal Skill? What I am doing wrong? Thanks fora advance


          don't calibrate your mmr till you reach high or very high skill.... or climb mmr and GIT GUD