General Discussion

General DiscussionHuge skill gap between 5k and 6k mmr?

Huge skill gap between 5k and 6k mmr? in General Discussion
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      Iam 5,2k and iam sure iam gonna beat you 1v1 kitrak. Xd

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        Your Wife's Boyfriend

          You really think you are good at dota, huh, whatever...

          I just wish players were actually as good as they think they are...

          Also you haven't played in a 5 stack or at least for the last few years, you would know how the game tends to change.

          Not interested in your 100 bucks, there were ways for me to make money out of dota long before you started playing. I'll pass on this one either.

          And yes, pm me if you know anything about the spray, my hair keeps ruining I almost completed everything else.

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              the skillgap is bullshit.

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                King of Low Prio

                  I aint even 5k


                    I've played a bunch of times with / against kitrak and I know for a fact he's significantly better than me though he has an attitude problem sometimes (xd) so you guys should probably listen to him

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                        You only did that once when I was on ur team, I wish u would do in the opposing team as well kek

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                            Kitrak you seem rather triggered lmao. But yeah you're right tbh, its always funny watching live games and shit where 4ks are calling 7ks trash.. people are just retarded. If someones 1k MMR higher then they're obviously a much better player and they cant really be compared.

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                                  It's big. Whenever I play against 6k+ mid it's fucking hard as fuck actually, I can't say I've raped anyone who was 1000+ mmr above me (there were a few games where I did better than a 6.5 - 7k players, but they weren't mid or carry players), I mostly did even and then also mostly got fucked probably 40/60, but I would recover later after that real quick. Also recently I played against a team who raped Kaipi in some tournament and their mid was like 7.3k or smth and I got dumpstered, I couldn't really lane Lina vs QoP and I was QoP, it's also not my 100% comfort hero, I'm sure this matchup was in his favor, but I would have lost to him anyways, I just know that even if it was in my favor, he was just way better than me and that shit was the hardest 1v1 I've ever played. It's actually fun to play against someone who is really fucking good, cuz I can spot my mistakes instantly and if you play against someone who's same mmr as you it's harder to spot what u do wrong, cuz he's equally awful and wouldn't punish you for your mistakes.


                                    obviously there are trash people at every mmr but if people respected higher mmr players and let them play core positions or whatever the fuck they want 5k / low 6k games would be much more enjoyable

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                                        I'm a 1.5k scrub. Started out at 800 mmr because I jumped into ranked gameplay like a dumbass, but all I do is watch clq. And if anybody watches clq you can spot a shitstain. And kitrak is a shitstain


                                          I love when i read about how badman only got 8k playing spectre and venge, and without playing those heroes he'd be a high 5k or low 6k at best. Dotabuff forums, reddit, twitch, ingame most people are retarded.

                                          Mike Wazowski..!

                                            @DAN Badman has stopped spamming Spectre and he is only getting carried now.. He is still 8k but he doesn't belong there..

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                                                LMAO proven right kappa


                                                  that feel though when im just shy of 5k and cant gain any respect unless im 6.5k plus... feelsbadman.


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                                                      The fact is, when facing a 5man stack, even if they are 1k mmr less then you, u can get your ass wooped, just because teamplay is more important than individual skill or mmr. Taking this information into a usual pub game, if u get 5 tryhards of 4k mmr vs 5 yolo's of 5k mmr, I bet my money on the 4k mmr team, simply because dota is a team game.

                                                      Now, if u say 5k and 6k mmr has a huge skill gap , I can only say "if u say so", but I can inform you that 3k and 4k mmr has a small skill gap. I guess that makes sense, since 3k's and 4k's are many, while 5k's and 6k's are a lot fewer in comparison.

                                                      Best Treant EU

                                                        lol kitrak you are one of the most annoying people here on the forum - just one step behind that phantom riki guy.. so in ur opinion only 6,5 k players should be allowed to state their views at the dotabuff forum? Thats pretty arrogant. I hope you are a better person in real life :)..

                                                        To the topic -> yes their is an enormous skill gap between this mmr's. I'm 4,9k and played some games with leaderboard players, like sonneiko, fn and pickachu. Their decision making was far more advanced than the rest of our team in this games. For example if they see a teamfight coming and they know that, we would lose it, they won't even dare to participate. Instead they port to other side of the map and split push to create space or maybe get a tower. Usually 4-5k mmr players just try to help teammates, no matter how bad the fight is and often end up dying too, making the situation even worse.. I think thats the biggest difference between higher mmr plays. Everyone above 3k mmr should know how the mechanics work and how to farm properly.


                                                          "they won't even dare to participate. Instead they port to other side of the map and split push to create space or maybe get a tower."
                                                          And then the low rated monkeys report you and u get low prio ^_^

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                                                            me, government hooker

                                                              individual skill is worthless in dota 2

                                                              even a 3k mmr teamgame is way higher lvl than these 6k solo pubs

                                                              me, government hooker

                                                                wht am i reading


                                                                  u are reading posts from people that are 2-3k and think they know everything and they are being held back by their team so they cant become 6k themselves 4Head


                                                                    5k players are bad and dont even know what they're doing on the map.


                                                                      wish i could play on a server that has more than 10 active players over 6k


                                                                        I'm not much into dota2 yet, so that's what i noticed and that's why i asked. I was playing normal MM with a friend who is near 7k and we ran into few (Mad and CanceL from Kaipi) pros in our games, who were with some 5k thrashes in their team. And there i could see it, huge fokken difference between 5k and 6k, but not that big of a difference between 6k and 7k. I feel like that's the point where it all brakes down, you go 6k or you remain thrash for the rest of your life.


                                                                          Just played with havoc badger vs some low-mid 5ks and I rocked the game very hard. Im Not even 4k yet but tbh havoc did some gr8 Calls


                                                                            how did u get to play with 5ks tho? havocs party mmr is terrible.


                                                                              That's the point, u can easely assess mmr by actually joining a party that is way above your mmr or way below your mmr, and you will find out in no time if there are any gaps. Frankly I've seen some huge trash cans that had 5600mmr, and some awesome smart players at just 3800 mmr. This is why dota is a team game, not a solo skill game....

                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                ^its mostly explained by random variance rather than by dota being not a solo game. sometimes ppl play better, sometimes they do worse.

                                                                                1UAN 1st PICK IDC

                                                                                  u got ur mmr @makingplays


                                                                                    make a 3k stack and play vs 5 random 5ks who dont know each other and see whats the outcome

                                                                                    it should be obvious but apparently people are delusional


                                                                                      "awesome smart players at just 3800 mmr"

                                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                        No no, make a 3k TEAM, not stack, a 3k team vs a 5k stack, and the outcome may surprise you, the same way CDEC/navi/[A] trash played vs the well known superstars and defeated them, same way as as 5M or AF/BM do right now.


                                                                                          thats true for 6.5-8k, but not for 3-6k.
                                                                                          also AF is actually a team of very good pub players, and BM is old LC that didnt play anywhere for the last half a year or more.

                                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                            this hypothetical 3k team could play a hundred games against any bunch of random 5ks and they will lose every single one of them if the 5k players are trying to win


                                                                                              "3k TEAM vs 5k stack, and the outcome may surprise you"

                                                                                              Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                                                                I can't believe it, how could people say something like this "a 3k player team can beat any 6k random team" WTF dude, a 3k player has no game sense, no matter the "sinergy" they have playing as a team.
                                                                                                @Kitrak I had the chance to play in ranked games against 6k players (not above 6.5k) but In some cases I won the laning fase against them (playing as mid) but most of the games I got pnwd like an idiot. It's an obvious thing I'm just a 5.2k player.

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