General Discussion

General DiscussionTake a look at this thing o.O

Take a look at this thing o.O in General Discussion

    I left this match after one guy abandoned but after it I saw that I didnt lose any MMR (+-24) dafuq?

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      u lost 24 for abandoning and got 24 for winning ez math bruh


        Yeah bro I get the math, but in the past if you leaved you lost points anyway no matter if your team won or not.. xD

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          yeah idk reborn is bugged as fuck anyway, some people won mmr after leaving a match actually lolz


            lol thats some fk up bugged volvo shit I guess, thanks for the replies anyway :)

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            Not Trying!

              Guys.. calm down.. its nth complicated.. the match ended before he got an abandon so technically he is still in game when they won the match therefore the +24 mmr..

              Btw dude.. u shud just accept it and thank the morph.. lol

              Not Trying!

                Owh btw.. I think u r a bad player for leaving ur team when they needed u the most and should learn to not whine so much..


                  @ Emo - Bro game needs to end 5 mins after u leave to count u as an abandon. In this case however ur timber already abandoned so I guess that's y u didn't lose mmr even though u left, if u had just stayed in the match u would get +25 , wutface!!


                    @Sorry It is complicated because when I left (was 11 lvl) cause Timber got an abandon and game was safe to leave, it was about min 20 our so but game lasted for 45 minutes! You can see that Silencer too left the game after me and the Timber reconnected back for some reason. I won't thank anyone cause I should lost points for leaving the game. So your point is bad...

                    Also I don't play 4v5, it's retarded.

                    @Ashes Yeah but game lasted for another 25 minutes after I left and my team won so I didn't lost MMR lol, you see what I'm taking about now? :-D

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