General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy 2k supporting is so hard?

Why 2k supporting is so hard? in General Discussion

    Can someone recommend what to do in this bracket? I mean I always try my best to be a support even sometimes Im a solo support cause my team only knows how to play carry. I never flame them and always cheer them up when they die, but nonetheless it seems none of these are working. Should I switch my role now when solo queuing regardless of who they pick? Suggestions are open and thank you.

    Player 175043649

      yes, learn how to mid till you get to 3k and spam meta heroes before they got patched


        thanks. I hate spec a lot that's why I dont use her. Now I'll use her and try if she can raise my mmr.

        Swap Commends

          Your win rate is good meaning u will eventually climb.Play more omni,especially when your team has a necessary bkb needed carry hero.
          I also suggest you add venom & jakiro to your hero pool.They deal heavy splash damage in fights,making sure your team wins the fights.


            pick od hes wayyy stronger than spec


              My winrate before is 54% until low prio games struck me so hard that I dropped gradually to 50% wr


                THANKS , I appreciate your warm comments.


                  pick omni, ur wr shows that. 2k > much hitter > carry build dmg > no deffu > guardian angle = gg


                    If you really need to support pick omni and ask your one of your 4 core teamates to pick OD


                      I play a versatile hero like necro and night stalker.....

                      In NS case I play him support... but it ends up I owning ppl and have advantage early know what I mean...


                        Necro is a core but sometimes i help on supporting side....


                          In order to climb MMR, you need to go 1v9. This is true for any bracket except maybe high 4k+. Maybe even in 6k.

                          My point is, if you want to win games, let some noob support buy wards and courier, tell him when to pull, to start stacking camps, where to wards, etc. And then carry or go mid. Ez.

                          Or just pick Omni.

                          Player 175043649

                            ^ the problem is sometimes the noob will go carry / mid too


                              I think invi heroes are very good in this bracket.


                                Invi heroes will effectively work only if the support won't buy sentry in early game :v


                                  In my lower 3k games, I played for the late game. Do your best job in the early game, but take supports that will be relevant in the late game which can help your carries survive (that's why omni is so good for that bracket)

                                  Froggy (F*CK CANCER)

                                    Stay away from hard supports (like CM/Dazzle) because your most likely going to end up with a 50+ minute match and try to pick one that lets you aim your retards at the enemy. That's why I only ever go vengeful for supporting ranked at this tier.

                                    Tidehunter would also work, Rubick could as well - I'm just not as good with those two.

                                    A support pudge (support early game go for ganks at 6) is also never shabby.


                                      watch replays, read, learn, try it yourself.

                                      Froggy (F*CK CANCER)

                                        Or just play support with 4 people you trust. :D


                                          I'm playing this for solo mmr tho not all teammates are cooperative sometimes. I try to please them and boost their morale but two mids are giving me a headache and a carry who farms for 25 mins and still feeds lol


                                            Gonna try clinkz and sup bh ;) btw my solo mmr is 2636 atm. It drops from 2823 last week.

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                                            Froggy (F*CK CANCER)

                                              Then you're doing fine. You can only do so much and only expect so much out of random people. There might be more you squeeze into it or maybe some specific tricks you could do to boost your efficacy up but if you're purely trying to hard support a carry on your team - then really you just have to accept that you're not always going to win and be okay with this.

                                              Did you _support_ them? Yes? Then you did everything you could.

                                              This is also why I hero spam in non-ranked until I am comfortable with a specific hero to bother ranked with xD. I figure there's only one variable that never changes in any DOTA match I play and it's me. So I try to either seek advice from others (which I think you're trying to do but being a bit vague) or start watching other DOTA streams to get ideas.

                                              For the most part though when supporting I always (even when its a team of friends that I trust) view it as aiming my idiots against their idiots.

                                              Can I secure my idiot carry in lane more farm? Then I do it! Is he missing CS? Then I'll start taking his CS until his damage goes up a little. Can I stack camps for him? Yes!? DO EET.

                                              Can I help point out enemy positions on the map? DO EET!

                                              Can I sacrifice myself so the idiot can run away? DO EEET!

                                              Can I set up ganks for my idiot? DO EEEEEEET!

                                              Supports are seriously underrated.

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                                                Homzi(most wanted interna...

                                                  JUST DO EEEET NOZING IZ IMBOOOZBL

                                                  YESTERDAII U SID TOMORON SOOOO JUST DOOO EEEEET

                                                  Froggy (F*CK CANCER)

                                                    YES DO EEET

                                                    [F]unky Panda

                                                      being support in 1-3k are hard.. but can be done.. just remember the most important thing of being a support (not last hit) is these TWO thing ; TIME n the MINIMAP.. If you master these 2 crucial ingredients you are step closer to become Puppey


                                                        Looking at your top heroes Im suprised you only have 1 Treant Protector game.
                                                        give him a run and practice watching the map in the laning stage to land those heals.
                                                        His ult is basically Omnis but better as it prevents your team taking physical damage and roots


                                                          Treant is my most played hero in my first account which was hacked two years ago, and after that it was hacked, I lost interest in him and try another sups


                                                            I find roaming/support bh op in my trench tier 1.8k but I only have 300 games of Dota to my name, so what do I know lol


                                                              I know that feels dude.
                                                              My mmr from 1.5k and now 2.3k(Sea Server).
                                                              Learn about pick and counter.
                                                              If enemy no support, play with invis thing(make them busy buy sentry or dust).
                                                              If enemy balance, play your best carry/midlaner.
                                                              Play support who can dominate too at late, like enigma, lion, lina.

                                                              And never trust anyone even your teammate, at 2k mmr.


                                                                I always envy the opponent team; they are all carries and our team is fitting to each roles and still we lose. So depressing lah.


                                                                  Just go Oracle. Watch my games to get a good understanding on how to play him at our level.

                                                                  Oh and ignore the cries about kill stealing. You are freaking Oracle!


                                                                    @mikealexjohn u won't understand the struggle until u play at SEA server. US server is even better than this mmr hell ol