General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for Skilled NPs

Looking for Skilled NPs in General Discussion
Froggy (F*CK CANCER)

    I am looking to work with a skilled nature's prophet player to up my game with this hero.

    Please reply with stipulations you have about coaching and we can work from there.

    Thank you

    ? EL MEJOR

      I am 2.k player but you can check my NP , I play it quite good . check & reply

      Pale Mannie

        i hate furion

        Livin' Real Good

          Skilled Nature's players? EleGiggle lol just kidding, I hate that hero too, literally ruins games despite being strong in pro games.

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            i pick it when on radiant. jungle afk uphill farm u know. u can just altab and browse smth like dbuff shitpost, porn, etc. Then even ur forgot ur in game just altab back and u will be fat in no time, build whatever u want. then start a rat if ur throne hasnt destroyed, ez play.

            Froggy (F*CK CANCER)

              Judging on this I think you and I are about the same but maybe if I can't get any interest from someone over 3k, we can work together.

              I'm specifically interested in advice on gauging when to push, when to farm, when to build for rat and when to build for team fighting.

              Froggy (F*CK CANCER)

                I find jungling to actually be more costly (loss of GPM) versus being in a lane. Especially if you can send your treants in to the jungle to fight mobs/stack in it while you last hit in the lane.

                Pale Mannie

                  My experience with Furion in 6.86

                  Enemy furion: cliff jungling and none of my teammates are ganking him despite i pinged that shit to death and then my teammates get a well deserved loss. Has a russian/ukrainan name

                  Teammate furion: cliff jungling. Fails to snipe their courier after the 8th time feeding. Blames others. Has a retarded/facerolled name

                  Furion myself: cliff jungling and everybody loses their minds pinging me to go to a lane flaming me and enemy is ganking/focusing me so i wont do jackshit but still won.

                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                    im only 3k, but i think my furion is pretty dang good, I cant coach you but feel free to add me on steam, I'll share my build and help you out wherever you need.

                    Froggy (F*CK CANCER)

                      I'll probably add you and Demigod when I get off work tonight... I've been hero spamming him a lot lately.

                      Seems like the only hero where I feel like I can over compensate for teammates though this (paradoxically) can also be a weakness :D Trying to find the right synergy to give my team relief in fights whilst simultaneously being on racks in 30 minutes.


                        Tbh a well played furion(jungle/offlane) pretty much guarantees a sub 30 min win. Ignore the 1 recent loss that was me fucking around with a few friends

                        Froggy (F*CK CANCER)

                          YEAH SURE xD

                          Froggy (F*CK CANCER)

                            My failure seems to be that sometimes I get caught in a death loop trying to push and they just keep shutting me down. Since I'm an old fart I feel like I need someone else to watch me and maybe provide feedback so I can be more "conscious" of when NOT to push.