General Discussion

General DiscussionSTEAM MARKET.

STEAM MARKET. in General Discussion

    I realised that probably a month back, when i click on Heroes i can see the items available on steam market, and i can try them out in Demo mode to see how they look. Now I cant see them. Is it only me or? How do you guys test how a costume look like before buying?


      no one knows?

      Johnny Rico

        You need to go to the hero view, them you can test all the items that are for sale, you can even build your own set to see it.


          yes i know, but it shows only shop items, doesnt show market items. meaning i cant test things like, Rainmaker for example. i used to be able to see rainmaker in there.

          Johnny Rico

            isnt there a feature to pick your own set, i remmenber something like that