General Discussion

General Discussionso hard Raising MMR as a Support

so hard Raising MMR as a Support in General Discussion
Mang Kepweng

    Its so freaking hard raising mmy MMR as a Support with these carries who can't farm properly. And doesn't even know when to fight and how to initiate. I sometimes think of giving up a a support.


      haha that paper tho. Lemme read then, seemsgud.


        Looking at your past matches, you are doing well. Just keep at it and you will get to high skill eventually, and find it much easier to run support.

        Eternal Meow

          I don't see how to avoid playing support. In most games, if you don't play support there will be no support. It's either support or play on 5 carry team. Occasionally I think someone else is playing support, but they just picked a support type hero with the intent of playing them as a carry. I really can't stand helping a carry secure most of the farm just so they can buy divine and give it to enemy team. And just as often my team carry will intentionally throw the game or abandon after soaking up all the farm. At least your win rate is good. Just remember whenever you see a team mate making mistakes, the enemy team also has people making mistakes. The enemy carry is probably bad at farming too.


            Its pretty ez to have high impact on a game when you are support. Even when im top MMR ill play support pretty often and win lanes for cores.

            It kinda helps that im not playing in the tier where people actually cant farm. If you are in that bracket, i feel sorry for you, but then again you can steamroll those games no matter what role you play.

            Venus, MBA

              You don't always need carries that can farm in low mmr, you just need ones that can get kills and push towers.

              Livin' Real Good

                You know what's funny, and hear me out, I think it's easier to raise MMR as a support.

                Literally every support player I know (people who genuinely enjoy supporting, and take it serious) is always high MMR, all the supports on my friend list are like 5K, I swear, they're like the highest MMR friends I have.

                I started thinking, and here is a few arguments as to why:

                1. They actually know how to play support. They're not the type of player who thinks getting a Ghost Scepter, Aghanim's (these are the worst kind) or Eul's scepter is more important then warding for your team that's dying over and over cause the map has been pitch black for 15 minutes. They know how to rotate, they would gladly play a position 10 support, they don't just buy starting courier and wards and say "there, I supported " and the list goes on.

                2. They have a positive mindset going into games from the get go. Just the mere fact that they ACTUALLY ENJOY PLAYING SUPPORT IS ALREADY AN ADVANTAGE IN ITSELF, most players are usually " STUCK " or " FORCED " to play support cause they're the odd man out. When you get a player who doesn't want to play support, playing support, you're asking for trouble. Even the slightest request for him to do something (like ward mid, gank, or buy you a TP) can get set him off if you ask him the wrong way without kissing his ass for being the " only support. " You have to remember that he's already probably tilted cause he wanted to go " carry/core " just like you did, and doesn't even feel like trying, he just thinks you're all probably shit carry's. This point is so huge. So real support players are usually pretty nice, which wins games.

                3. They always pick support, so once again, it's already an advantage in itself, it means the team is guaranteed a good support player every game, while the enemy team may not have a support at all, or have a support that WANTS TO PLAY support for that matter.

                Thanks for reading.

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                  whats funny? i dont see the joke...

                  Livin' Real Good

                    It's funny cause, everyone thinks raising MMR as a support is impossible, or they think it's very hard, but I don't think so. It wasn't meant to be a joke, it's just a different form of irony to popular public opinion. For dumb people: It was suppose to make you think " Hm? Never thought if that way. hah' "

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                      supporting can be funny in very high skill games, because you don´t meet often guys who can´t last hit. Playing support in normal + high skill matches is very, very frustrating.


                        From a 4k+ support vision what I see from your stat within 1min is:

                        1.) Your most played hero (~40% of your matches) is Ogre Magi --> get a bigger hero pool. Ogre is not good in every line-up.
                        2.) You always use the same skillbuild on that hero (Q-W-Q-...) starting with Fireblast. I only rarely start with fireblast on that hero because Ignite gives you much more damage on level one + a slow is more powerful on lvl 1 than a stun.
                        3.) You always use the same itembuild on that hero. You always go arcane boots, aether lense and blink dagger. Itembuild is like skillbuild: Situational, always. You have to get out of your comfort-box and really THINK about what you are doing. Blink dagger is more or less useless when enemy has damage-over-time or when you have teammates with initiating abilities/items to name one example.

                        In General: Stop blaming other people for their poor gameplay if you yourself are making tons of mistakes (see above). Focus on your own gameplay and get better. You are in your bracket because you belong there. Only a change in mindset will make you move up.


                          I have no skill, so I play support and let my teammates to carry me.


                            well yeah , using support in normal skill or high skill is useless . why ? because your carry dont know how to last hit , dont know how to execute kill , and when support dead they always blame you .


                              hao !!!
                              plz tell me what mmr u got by supporting..


                                its only hard when you are bad


                                  I wanna play support i buy wards and sents and all team needs...but i need to carry these kids


                                    You have no impact on late game if your carry can´t last hit. That´s why people with support can hardly win game with trash carry. It is nothing about how good are you. You can have impact on early game a lot but late game is about carries.
                                    People in Normal, High skill don´t want to play support. Pretty frustrating.


                                      ^now that's bullshit


                                        ^No, it's not.


                                          its true only if you are goddamn awful at supporting


                                            "supports have no impact in the latr game"
                                            "you cant carry ur team as a support"

                                            i fucking cri every time i read this crap


                                              ^You can cry a river, but it will not change fact: you can't CARRY as a SUPPORT, because if you CARRY, you are CARRY. Logic?


                                                One word:



                                                  assuming "carry" means not "play a carry", but "to have a crucial impact on game output" - yes, you can carry as a support. moreover, you should do it, imo.

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                                                      Support are as important as carry imo ...if they weren't why would have icefrog make it a team game when it's just an all carry retard game cause carry can win game


                                                        No, word "carry" means #1 farm priority. And "support" means #4 or #5 farm priority.


                                                          if u open a russian-eng dictionary, u might get a different output


                                                            in english-speaking dota community, the verb "carry" is used the same way in most cases, too

                                                            Player 175043649

                                                              actually it's easy, just tell your mid to pick OD and you go omniknight


                                                                4.1k support master race reporting in


                                                                  Spam zeus mid


                                                                    dont try to smurf with playing supp
                                                                    u will get lower than your true mmr cuz u have low XPM,GPM,LH ( i tried )

                                                                    and yes i agree with this guy @TwentyOne Pilots
                                                                    u are still in normal skill cuz u act like one , expand your hero pool , watch some replays or even watch some high mmr players in game . act like them and u will get out of normal skill to HS or VHS so your carrys can LH at least ...

                                                                    Execute Order 322

                                                                      If supporting is so good for mmr grind, why one of the best sups in the world (Puppan) pick supports so rarely in ranked? And he's not one. Pieliedie also play cores in ranked

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                                                                        cuz they want to have fun in ranked after all those long hours of practice ...
                                                                        me myself , pick offlanes or core heros in normal game with friends
                                                                        just why not ?


                                                                          I think it depends if you are below ur mmr skill around it or above it . Below your mmr carry way to go in my experience around it I am not sure which is better suppose it varies . Above your mmr skill support can get u more mmr then u would playing carry . So after you break past a certain mmr I would think supporting is Easyier mmr . I know for me , low 3k I do better as carry, about 3.5 k either way seems ok and if I go high 3k it is a lot Easyier if I just support .


                                                                            Question is if you want to support forever just to maintain your higher mmr :p


                                                                              I wouldn't mind specializing as a position 4 semi support actaully seems pretty fun usually this leaves u open to gank early so actaully quite enjoyable although I know most position 4s in pubs don't help position 5 at all so it gots a bad name


                                                                                My friend recently made it to 5k almost entirely off of spamming lich. mostly offlane, sometimes mid duo or safe, but he kept up a 70% winrate.

                                                                                Im pretty sure you can boost MMR on Omni, lich, and maybe crystal maiden/earth spirit. Other supports are ok if you are really comfortable with them, but omni and lich will take you far.

                                                                                Execute Order 322

                                                                                  Omni, lich - easy mmr but boring as fuck


                                                                                    Omni is situational, especially in low mmr when carries just run into a group of 5, when still unfarmed, just because theres an omni ult. :x

                                                                                    That being said, supports can still carry. I'm 1.7k mmr atm. Partied with 3 4.5k mmr friends. They all went support and made me play Spec. We won, and im pretty sure it was all them :P

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                                                                                      If u want to improve you support skill play carry. If u want to improve your carry skill play support. You cry about carries who cant last hit and cant carry the team in late. But if u are a good support your carry should always get a advantage. In most cases the problem is that the carry miss 2-3 last hits and than the support thinks that his carry is bad an it s important that he has to carry now.
                                                                                      Yeah maybe you are the better player and would do more lasthits, kills and so one. But thise mean you make your carry worthless in late. You also have to fight with a good equipt support against a good equipt carry hero. The means you will lose the most games.
                                                                                      What i mean is: if you all have the same skill level you shouldnt blame him because you are not better. If you have a higer skill level you should be good enought to give your carry enought space to get a advantage and on the other hand to make the life of the opponent carry hard.
                                                                                      If your carry dont get thise advantage there are two possibilities.
                                                                                      1. the opponent team is better
                                                                                      2. you are also a bad support

                                                                                      And you think about the point that you are maybe the better carry but thise not mean that you are a good support also.


                                                                                        No matter how good support you are, you can't prevent your carry from buying Dagons or Rapiers, you also can't stop him from diving tier3 tower at 10 minutes or fighting 1v5.

                                                                                        Also, if support and carry have same net worth and level for some reason, they must be at about the same power level too. DOTA 2 is pretty much balanced here.


                                                                                          ofcourse sometime you get really bad players but in most cases it doesnt matter if they play sup or carry you will lose thise games because they other team will win the lane and become alot of kills. the point is that with the random group finding system you should have to play against such players the same time u have to play with them. the only variable is your skill level and is it higher than the players you play with you should climb in mmr.
                                                                                          and i disagree that evry hero with the same lvl and networth has the same power level becouse some heros profit much more from it than others. these heroes we call carry :)


                                                                                            in my oppinion we should talk more about the difference between lanes the best player should play.
                                                                                            if you play mid and you are the best player on the map you should win thise lane so u can snowball or create pressure on the other lanes.
                                                                                            if you play off or save you maybe the best player on the map but if your laning partner is bad u will lose the lane anyway.

                                                                                            thats why alot of the player shout to be mid because they think they are the best players... but i will tell u a secret ... they are often bad players ;)