General Discussion

General Discussionany1 know why so many chinese people play on us

any1 know why so many chinese people play on us in General Discussion

    i live in a predom. asian neighborhood and i never see these people

    they speak little to no english and cant use their brains whatsoever. they play shit tons of rmm and have half their games on china

    what gives


      happens here in Australia. called migration sadly

      lm ao

        no clue

        although what do u mean about 'predom. asian neighborhood'?
        u live in a filipino town? chinatown EleGiggle

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            Why would they even want to join a server that doesn't even speak their own language ?Like there just gonna piss ppl off and they will also complain about the server saying that it's toxic .Well some are emigrant that migrated from there home town to US cause following there parents or jobs but at least have the courtesy to learn the language before going there cause language is base of all communication.

            lm ao

              im pretty sure any chinese who plans to emigrte to america must pass a basic english test

              so at the very least newly moved chinese peeps can at least know their way around the supermarket

              lm ao

                not sure if it should be a consolation though...

                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                  5k MMR in china > 7k mmr NA thats the reason.

                  TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...
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                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      I don't understand, do you complain about them playing on US or not?

                      TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                        Is NA playable while in China tho? And do the pinoys in the NA ladder actually live there or are simply enduring high pings?


                          they're playing from canada

                          Swap Commends

                            Bcuz they can raise their mmr here faster.MMR=skill in china is a different story.
                            Close to what @赤司征十郎 ® 空 said


                              ^so your saying that Chinese Dota players are better than NA ?


                                It's just mmr inflation in sea server, there are more account boosters, smurfers, account buyers.


                                  It's just my theory, I don't play in sea server.


                                    people from sea are too poor to buy accounts lol


                                      Most Chinese ppl in Canada are rich as fuck so, I don't know.


                                        dont get the link but ok.


                                          im not from canada and im not rich.

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