General Discussion

General DiscussionClose game vs medusa. Of course we lost.

Close game vs medusa. Of course we lost. in General Discussion

    but what could have been done so we could have won? somebody care to check replay? around late game when sieging top lane


      did you drop a rapier or sth. in that game? Your items seem poor compared to your 37k gold amount this game.

      I guess it wasn't really your own had two people in your team feeding (ET and TA) plus the team composition was shit (3 mid heroes, offlaner as hard support??).


        obv, it's your item choice that's the problem, there was no Radiance or Manta or Diffusal blade.
        also I assumed you bought a rapier since you only had 5 slots at the end, which was a crucial mistake as well.

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          You didn't get manta + diffusal VS Medusa.


            sny+crits on spectre, but no manta, butter, radiance or diffus?

            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

              i actually had radiance. the rapier was medusa's, we killed him once when they pushed mid and I dropped my radiance for the rapier. and yeah I might have underestimated the manta+diffusal combo vs medusa

              Mike Wazowski..!

                You dropped your radiance instead of SnY.. Dude, you deserved to lose..


                  why do people get crits on spectre anyway? i see it a lot and it doesn't make sense to me.

                  TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                    I decided to drop my radiance over SnY because I dont want to get kited. plus as per effect, radiance only gives 60 damage, immolation and some evasion(okay, maybe I needed the evasion). and I built daedalus because at that time I had vanguard, heart and radiance and I figured I didn't have enough dps so, yeah. crits.

                    Dire Wolf

                      you dropped radiance instead of talisman of evasions... lol. Cus you weren't 6 slotted so you either had a tp or something or that talisman.

                      TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                        I was expecting to complete my butterfly at that point lol. but then the team all had to rush top rax, where we lost the stolen rapier and subsequently lost the whole game. would sticking around a bit more to farm my butterfly before forcing top rax been the better choice at that time?

                        Mike Wazowski..!

                          You couldn't have won the game with the rapier and butterfly coz you dint have manta diffu


                            look at your items, thats why you lost


                              u lost for a reason.


                                SE Asia is the place where u will find;
                                - SnY + Crits on Spectre
                                - Aghanims on Jugg
                                - Radiance on LS
                                - Deso on BH

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                                  [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                                    huehuehue ARDM ^

                                    You got vanguard on spectre vs a solo offlane chaos knight (assuming that was the offlane), you skipped radiance vs ck offlane you should have easily been able to get it, you went sny instead of manta, you can never justify sny over manta on spectre or antimage mana break and desolate are just too good, any other hero I would have said yes go sny but
                                    not those two. Heart was good choice, diffusal would have been useful but I think you could have gotten by without it. If you think you need a big item aka the butterfly refuse to push with your team until you get it just try not to get picked off. You shouldn't have gone Daedalus on spectre it's not a good choice especially vs dusa. In general dusa should lose to spectre everytime unless dusa is spectacularly over farmed. Especially with the heart spectre can just disengage for a short while regen 1k hp and come back to kill dusa while dusa is either sitting there going "herp a derp a der, where have the peeps gone? I can't punch anything anymore." Either that or she has slithered 10 feet away. Dusa sits there tanks shit up doesn't care about anyone or anything other than is thing being rightclicked? Spectre just eats that


                                      Bad item choices my friend, not to mention dusa is cancer anyway

                                      Mic Broke

                                        region SEA Asia


                                          ^basicaally sea doto in a shellnut


                                            well for starters, 2 people on your team were having a hard time, a very under farmed 2-14 TA won't scale, also its SUPER hard to out late game a medusa. Specter is one that can do it but your item build was WAY off. Diffusel blade was golden there, skid, radiance, manta all would have been better than ur build. Yeah u do damage and hit hard but if your playing against medusa u need mana burn and anyone who says manta isn't the most effective item on spec is wrong. THAT is your push and your earlier tank.

                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                              PICK SNIPER DUH


                                                No diffusal against medusa? That build is cancer TBH, manta is much better than SnY, you have your first for chase.

                                                Really I'm The Plug

                                                  Your spectre failed.

                                                  Medusa got 524 last hits...............????

                                                  Spectre needed mana burn, medusa got no bkb so the mana burn wouldve killed her, esp with manta illusions,your spectre is just noob