General Discussion

General DiscussionI was playing Dota

I was playing Dota in General Discussion

    And this troll spirit breaker kept on bugging me and saying "omg riki why no boots" and "you suck". I checked his dotabuff. 1.2 KDA on Riki and even lower winrate than mine. He even has twice as many assists as kills on a carry hero. All his kills are KS too by the way. What a troll.

    Oh yeah, tango is his #1 item after a 40 minute - 1 hour games.

    1 hour game, only 2 real items: blink dagger and force staff.

    Ce sujet a été édité


      Optimus Drip

        your mmr is scary


          Was it your most recent game? He won the game for you.


            Complains that someone better than him win him a game.

            Again, how were you the fastest sperm?

            Pale Mannie