General Discussion

General DiscussionCant reconnect

Cant reconnect in General Discussion

    So they released 1 gigabytes of update and gives a list of fixes longer than my debt list and they disabled all pick but did not fix the fucking unable to reconnect bug.

    I was just bored to wait ten fucking years for my smartass captain to pick his hero then i decided to restart the pc to change the keyboard cuz i know 10 years is enough for me to reboot my ultra high speed pc up. But then what..cant reconnect after several attempts until i abandon and given me 5 lo priority once again. Which is no point at all other than wasting 3 hours of my life cuz im just facing 1k-2k kids at lo prio whom i always dumpster back at the fucking stone-age.

    All my abandon games are caused by this. So if anyone knows or experienced this cant reconnect thing after a reboot or crash . whatdo you do to recon again.


      Why leave in the first place


        You need to relax