General Discussion

General DiscussionBest hero for spamming on normal skill

Best hero for spamming on normal skill in General Discussion
kunst 2

    I tired of playing weaver, and he is not really good farmer / late carry ( - a lot of fails from me, but anyway - my 10 kills on alch in the first 20 minutes count nothing ). Any other hero who can won early game and not lose advantage later?

    Any heroes with summons like druid/naga/meepo is good but very boring, cuz I play only for fun. Hard carry or other heroes who need double/triple line obviously sux - supports usually autoattack and feeding on my line, so I prefer midline.

    my english is bad, I know)

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      Omni Abba

      kunst 2

        No chance for supports lol.


          I'd say any meta hero but generally you can climb with most heroes if you're low enough. (says this being mid 4k and im sure a 6k could win everygame randoming on my account)

          That or just pick your best heroes really. Apparently you win alot with weaver? just spam that. For me atm its void but hes kinda meta though so im just a shitstain KEK.

          kunst 2

            I can win on every hero, probably, but it is not very easy. Im not so skilled for carry pudge or something like this (4.3k solo, support), and Im bored with weaver as I told. I have no best carry heroes expect weaver and hardcarry duza, only supps, and they can do nothing on this breket.


              go mid zeus n od ... get ur lv n gold early on , start gank ... get ur core item while keep chopping enemy hero .. i sure u wont get bored ...


                How about Ogre Magi ? You can blast someone instantly if you're lucky enough :D
                Undying is also good but if you're not planning to build Agh, you must end the game fast because he falls quite hard without it

                Played support most of the time and those guys works well here.

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                  Slark is the boy you are looking for


                    Zeus and od


                      Od is great for low mmr games but if you're willing to try something new my pubstomp hero is kunkka. He's great at securing early game fights and brings a lot to the table in all phases of the game.


                        omni zeus spec abba necro

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                          If you want to win play Omni, but seeing as you prefer to play carries I would recommend Spectre (and get phase boots, then rush rad), or Razor. Razor can be very crippling throughout the entire game, he is also a strong anti-carry and can ruin the other teams hard carries. Pair razor with a good support like Sandking or Ogre Magi and the lane is pretty much won. Teamfight is a very important this meta, laning phase breaks early and teams begin to role as 5 around the 10 minute mark. Razor is great to deal with this as he has lots of AoE and damage without needing a lot of farm.

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                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                            Why did nobody say URSA??? You see URSA with a 60% winrate.

                            And of course the usuals: Sniper, BH, Drow, Juggernaut.


                              any hero that can snowball and win alone.

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                I use lycan:

                                Go jungle with iron talon + tangos (If you went lane then the guy with you would most likely mess the lane up for both of you).
                                Farm that vlads, don't bother with other lanes unless either one of your wolves can help or you have ulti.

                                Solo Rosh when you get lvl 7/8 and vlads. Make sure you use smoke and tell your teammates NOT to follow you in.
                                Kill rosh, then start splitpushing and farming ancients.
                                Repeat the above until win.

                                For the rest of the item/skill build or a guide on how to solo rosh watch my 1k mmr replays (I still need to improve) or search 6.86 lycan guide on youtube. Also:


                                The item build on that vid is a bit outdated though.

                                det skjuts foer lite punkt

                                  zeuz ursa slark. it depens what u can play or not only cuz people destroy with this heroes dosent mean that u do


                                    Go Riki. Buy shadow blade.


                                      how on earth you say i am 4.3 solo mmr when u are on normal skill ??

                                      Venus, MBA

                                        Any snowball hero really. Ursa, PA, Pudge, etc. Abaddon is a good choice to spam as he can pretty much lane anywhere.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          weaver isn't a good farmer or late carry?!?!? Maybe cus u rush linkens, isn't that build shit? Weaver has a built in second attack every 3 seconds which can be like a 30-40% dps increase at low levels with his high bat. Late game it's not as much percentage wise but raw wise still a lot with +dmg modifiers. And he has a 60 mana 150 dmg nuke every 6 seconds for stacks.

                                          And late game he has like two lives with his ult. Unless you get doomed or abyssaled he's pretty much golden. Your issue that game is probably no bkb so nightstalker pops ur linkens and silences you and gg.

                                          But for low level spamming, ursa, medusa, spectre, jug.

                                          yung griphook

                                            i have more fun playing skill shot heroes

                                            Warren Buffneck

                                              4.3 solo? Yasp calculates based on the known average mmr of the players you queue with and against.. 2593

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                                                Treant Protector. Team tries to feed, fails to feed, gets kills instead, free mmr


                                                  In normal skill bracket and low start of the high skill bracket objective gaming is key.

                                                  Let me remind you that you win a dota match when enemy Ancient is destroyed, not when your team is on a very situational kill advantage that can change any second.

                                                  Pick any jungler who can farm fast, has a safe escape and excels pushing and pickoffs and solo win the game as you have 0 dependance on team (examples: Broodmother, Lycan, Natures Prophet, Bloodseeker, Juggernaut, Legion Commander etc)-freedom on picks is higher the better you are at jungling.
                                                  Focus on objectives like roshan and towers, don't try to force ganks that will lead in efficency loss, but if somebody gets in your way kill them with no hesitation. If you can't jungle properly or already have a jungler pick a heroes like Clinkz if forced to duo lane or pick templar assassin/tiny if you have mid/solo as an option. ALWAYS build desolator and assault cuirass on these heroes and ALWAYS go for towers over anything else.

                                                  Basicaly if you push and no enemy is coming to defend you will end up winning the game eventualy.
                                                  If you push and their whole team comes to defend you will either create alot of time for your team
                                                  If you push and only some of them come you will be able to kill them and continue pushing in most of the situations.
                                                  Whatever you do you can't go wrong.

                                                  (also OD is really OP this patch you don't really need a brain to raise MMR with that hero so you can do that also)


                                                    OD BOIS

                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                      I don't think you're 4.3 solo, you might think you play like a 4.3K player, but probably not if you're stuck in normal skill, just saying.

                                                      Some other guy said the same thing a few days ago, he was 1.5, but was convinced that he belonged in 4K I think.

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                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                          Anything that is strong mid game, and has great carry potential. SF is good.


                                                            Nature prophet i think


                                                              ursa, sven, spectre

                                                              mid zues

                                                              support omni, abba.

                                                              honestly if you want the single easiest hero for climbing mmr, its omni.


                                                                Weaver is bad late? He is not meant to waste time farming lanes and jungle. He needs to get kills. Use logic. Anyway a good hero to spam is OD I think have fun. Everyone rants about him.

                                                                BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A


                                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                                    Normal skills get raped extra hard by a decent Ursa who can get rosh before 10 minutes, and a quick blink timing, after that you just need to encourage your trash team to actually push. Good luck !

                                                                    silverback action

                                                                      Honestly I think it is TA. If you don't get raped hard mid and can get a fast blink or deso you can just snowball and I think it is important to rosh when you get deso because you can easily. btw I'm in normal skill and I have a 17 - 2 record with her and I'm not great at the game


                                                                        TINY IS A FUN HERO AND IS STRONG! PICK TINY!

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                                                                            alchemist, ig ferrari mid build.


                                                                              Od is great for low mmr games but if you're willing to try something new my pubstomp hero is kunkka. He's great at securing early game fights and brings a lot to the table in all phases of the game.

                                                                              the interesting thing about kunkka is that he basically has one of the biggest impacts for a team in therms of gold should and if your team can benefit from a boat combo into a wipe; plus the boat rum is pretty deceptive as to the endurance of anyone over it

                                                                              but he gets shit on without a dagger over 4k tho. I still loev him

                                                                              answering OP question; Ursa, Clockwerk, Slark or a Lycan even can carry ez pz up to 4

                                                                              kunst 2

                                                                                Okay I take my word back, its hard to relax with such braindamaged annoying retards

                                                                                Absolutely my last game on this acc, bb guys :D

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                                                                                Corvus Corax

                                                                                  invoker with q w build and first item orchid.get used to it and you ll rarely lose in normal skill