General Discussion

General Discussionbest pubstomper 6.86 is?

best pubstomper 6.86 is? in General Discussion

    best pubstomper 6.86 is?


      Carry: Spectre (sven)
      Mid: OD (or Zeus depending on enemies)
      Pos 5: Dazzle (venge)
      Pos 4: omni (+Abaddon, crystal maiden, witch doctor)
      Offlaner: Void, Slardar, Undying, beastmaster (centaur also decent)
      Keeping it updated, if someone has better ideas

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        u forgot offlaner void


          Ye sry

          lm ao


            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              You can't stomp on a pos 4 or 5 lol.

              Anyways, carry:
              give me an S
              give me an N
              give me an I
              give me a P E R!

              that guy needs major nerfs

              Holy Roman Empire

                ^lol. More like major buffs.
                Carry: spectre
                Mid: Zeus/ OD
                Offlane: Beastmaster
                Support: Omni

                Livin' Real Good

                  ^ You're so dumb, one of those people who NEVER play support, and think " Carry is glory, carry is life. "

         This is a 4.0-4.1 game of me stomping as support Venge, but we lost cause team was garbage I guess. She is extremely well rounded, and lots of people can't deal with a good rotating Venge. She does GREAT right click damage for a support, isn't as squishy as your average support, gets better late game seeing as you can build butterfly and those type of usual core/carry items on her unlike someone like Skywrath who can't build those items (who then becomes garbage late game) the list goes on.

                  Venge, a GOOD SKYWRATH that can harass mid or the other lanes, I think Abaddon is also really good, I just suck with him.

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           Me stomping as dazzle, keeping pa alive every single fight against the lifestealer with mkb, without me she had no chance, also I had many decent rotations


                      "you cant stomp as support" EleGiggle


                        more herodamage/towerdamage than anyone on my team as random support pugna


                          Earthspirit - ez pubstomper

                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                            "you cant stomp as support" EleGiggle

                            Higher assists than kills = not stomp.


                              rofl why bother responding to this russian riki


                                When's 6.87 coming out boys?? Any confirmation??


                                  I think Enchantress is pretty damn good right now.

                                  Johnny Rico

                                    it seems near Hit, many heroes have the modified near theyr names, like some itens to, this happened at the begining od 6.84

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      No one mention offlane abaddon??? really??? and offlane LC is rocks because everyone in pub only know LC as a retarded jungle literally people will trade hit with you and they die


                                        @hook and roll
                                        thats because you played some arcade games in dota and havent restarted the client afterwards. its a bug that usually occurs to everyone playing overthrow or some other shit, and u get rid of it by just closing dota and opening it back again.

                                        @on topic (EU/CIS region, 5k average mmr and above pub games):
                                        position 1: sven slark spectre od ck morph
                                        position 2: invoker zeus dp od
                                        position 3: ld ench np void beastmaster
                                        roaming supps: nyx, es (ebola one) and bh
                                        lane supps: omni

                                        idk lane supps aint rocking this patch. like, they aint bad, just there are no cancerous meta supports besides omni.

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                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                          Here's my team for pubstomp:

                                          Ursa + Drow offlane
                                          Bounty + Jugger safelane
                                          Sniper mid


                                            The way BSJ does lifestealer is like the ultimate pubstomper this patch-> Safelane, tranquils into radiance


                                              pubstomp? try riki


                                                That is an intense team that Riki mentioned.


                                                  OD by far

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                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      I like sven more than spectre in my bracket. Spectre can still be bullied in lane by aggressive dual or trilanes, sven does better there, and sven rebounds from a poor start easier with cleave farming. Spectre has to rely on team to setup kills she can haunt into to comeback in gold or have other team just be idiots and not end game.

                                                      And of course OD and invoker if you are good with him.

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                                                        i dumpster

                                                        OD, spec, sven, invoker every matches with riki

                                                        easy games

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                                                          Sky is garbage late game EleGiggle

                                                          Professor Dog


                                                            I can't speak for vhs but in ns and hs you can carry as support


                                                              invoker lmao od just good at fights w/o 5 man lineup he is shiet

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                                                                Von Darkmoor

                                                                  Dazzle by far the most useless support no offense at all and completly wasTed on the lane by far the most annoying to be up against due to his shallow grave tho.

                                                                  I would say with doc proberly has been OP ever since that range buff the bounce nerf hurt a little but not enought.
                                                                  Another option is Enigma for natural reassons.

                                                                  OH forgot dunno hos u missen it .. .
                                                                  Harbringer, Ursa, Ench and for some reassons ppl just discovered Spectre. Sven if played correctly very depent on stacks. (Wards?)

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                                                                  Синячий патруль

                                                                    offlane centaur omg
                                                                    support cm omg
                                                                    offlane ud omg


                                                                      Drow Ranger is so good for your skill bracket.It's soooo good.