arcane wand aether scroll smoke won the game
disclaimer: ns turd with slightly above 50% win rate
pick him: you have damage dealers who rapidly move in and out of battle but have low durability.
do not pick him: in all other cases.
4-1-4 is best ability build, imo the early heal and purge affects laning alot.
Oracle ulti is used to make the hero that was cast with the ulti invi...Miss that cause it made Oracle so op but now the hero is okish I think
Oracle is still an interesting hero to learn even if people say he's not that good.
Pick him if one or more of the ememies have a powerful single target ultimate such as Fiend's Grip, Flaming Lasso, Omnislash, etc. be careful about picking him when you have a team with a lot of magic burst damage. One time I played as Techies with an oracle, he put his w on the enemy tiny just as I set off a load of remote mines so the mines did nothing. The build you suggested Arcanes, wand, lens, and greaves, is probably what I would go for too. Grab an urn early if nobody else does, as false promise can double the heal from that, too.
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can you give me some tips for this hero?
when to not pick him? when to go 4-1-4, 3-2-4 (for double heal), 1-4-4? what item build?
i usually go arcanes wand mek lens something greaves
or arcanes wand lens treads something if someone else insists on buying mekansm