General Discussion

General DiscussionIs ranked really any different from unranked?

Is ranked really any different from unranked? in General Discussion

    I've played 1200 matches unranked and 300 matches ranked and the skill level in my unranked matches are much higher than my ranked. In some cases people try harder in unranked than ranked.


      I don't try if I don't play ranked.


        less difference for low skill level, more - for higher. playing ranked is a good investment into the future :)


          generally is the same shit, maybe you get better matchmaking balanced at ranked (5k or more), but you know useless players are in all brackets

          5k player here

          PD: Triplesteal i love you


            The only difference I have noticed is that in ranked there is a much higher percentage of cancerous individuals. Competition brings out the worst in people.

            For some reason, people believe ranked is more difficult; though the only actual difference is that people tend to play only their absolute best heroes in ranked, and experiment with other heroes in unranked. Though, this is not always the case, as the vast majority of players don't even bother with ranked at all.

            The only benefit of playing ranked games is that you can visually see your MMR rising/lowering, which to some people helps them feel good when they see the +24 MMR; they think they have improved. Realistically, playing your best heroes over and over, or playing heroes with a generally high winrate inflates your MMR, regardless of whether or not you have improved. Many people will spam one or two heroes in order to get a higher MMR. They then try playing other heroes, and find that their skill with them has not improved at all, and the number is meaningless.

            In short: If you enjoy bragging about your E-penis to other players and spamming a few heroes, ranked is for you.

            On another note, I'm sure there are players that play a wide pool of heroes in ranked, but they are the few and the proud. If you do so, it will likely be an accurate representation of your skill. Otherwise, it's just ego masturbation.


              I try equally hard in unranked and ranked.

              People's habits don't change because they play ranked. A tower diver in unranked will also dive in ranked, maybe just less frequently. A coward in unranked will still be a coward in ranked. Someone who autoattacks creeps isn't going to magically discover last-hitting because he is ranked. Someone who leeps dying out of position in unranked won't suddenly be ungankable in ranked.
              The only thing more likely to happen in ranked is people picking their personal / meta "best" heroes and people willing to buyback to defend important objectives. This is much more likely to happen in ranked.

              King of Low Prio

                people give up and feed much more often in unranked which is why I avoid it when I can.


                42% ranked winrate no wonder you stopped lulz


                  Ppl are more selfish in unranked. So it affects the game despite possibly higher individual skill level