General Discussion

General Discussionfucking yay

fucking yay in General Discussion
Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

    i have been trying to climb my solo mmr and i think i'm pretty decent as a fucking carry but how come i always get paired with people who are fucking trash, i mean you guys would always say "it's never the team fault" "its a team game everyone has a part to play" "i shouldnt blame others but blame myself" oh yah totally man i mean i have a fucking invoker picker and he went on saying "just trying" and we have a fucking enchantress one saying "i pick this hero to complete my daily hero challenege" the fuck am i suppose to do??? I swear to fucking god i'm giving my 10000000000000000% and trying to win every game but i fucking swear my team mates are so fucking "GOOD" man.

    AND yes im from the fucking SEA server. And my mmr did not even increase it just remained the same. it's like i win 2 in a row then i lose 2 in a row.



      Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

        really HOPE to see constructive comments instead of the usual "you should blame yourself" etc etc


          stfu, get pma and keep playing.

          Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

            what's pma

            the realm's delight

              P O S I T I V E M E N T A L A T T I T U D E

              Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

                lets just put it in this way shall we, i always get match with people who aren't really co-opeative

                Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

                  it's not 1 time but like maybe 7/10 rank games


                    pma pma pma


                      imagine that you got X mmr, and there is a pool of N players of the same mmr you can be matched with.

                      A certain share of these N players are autistic, tilted, or just do not care about anything, let's say y. Consider yourself not part of y*N - otherwise it would be pointless to complain.

                      Every time you find a match, you get 9 players, 4 of them on your side, and 5 on the other one. If we take a single match, anything can happen - you can get 4 complete trashes against 5 decent people or vice versa. However, on a large sample of games (its called law of large numbers or smthng like that), the amount of retards in your team will be 4*y, while there will be 25% more dickheads in the other team - 5*y. Therefore, you benefit from all the retards that are playing this game as long as you are not a retard yourself.

                      tl;dr On average you get more trashes enemies than teammates, so do not be sad every time you meet bad guys on your side.

                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                        i have been at your rank, back then i stayed calm and didn't give up. and i also played carry and fuck off with your useless scepter on jug

                        Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

                          so what should i build in replacment of the scepter?

                          Leonard Wan Zhun Kai



                              The only constant in all of your games is one thing: You. You are the only game changing factor. Thus, you should actually blame yourself for losing all the (/most of the) time.

                              Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

                                nice was expecting to see one comment like this ^^^^

                                BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                  SEA is such a gr8 server

                                  Waku Waku

                                    I believe 99% of the community in SEA is either retarded or have some kind of huge ego problem.. I have first pick am saying " yes I pick am because i'm a pro carry" and a last pick spec with 2 carry and a support in game that says " we will win in late game, no worries about early game" and for some reasons, the pros in my team who always pick OD or SPEC or some other meta heroes will always feed and blame the team while META heros picker in the other team will have some godly spree every 20mins l0l

                                    lm ao

                                      You are all just crybaby trash with zero undetsyanding of the current metagame and hero-to-hero interactions. Instead of improving your game sense lets just blame the Pinoys! Exdee they ate all subhuman retarded fuckstains and are the economical embatassment of SEA region wooo scapegoating is so logical


                                        ^ the truth


                                          oh no someone here is getting trash teammates every game

                                          dotabuff forums what should we do oh noooooo

                                          Waku Waku

                                            @G_G 2k + games and still in normal skilled? l0l

                                            Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

                                              Okay NORMAL skilled player


                                                Yeah it pretty much is your team being trash which are the cause of most of your losses. I've concluded this after a few recent games where I was paired with people who played like 3.8k players and paired with people who play like 1.8k players.

                                                lm ao

                                                  2k plus games?

                                                  Waku Waku

                                                    wooops its moon who had 2k+ games and still in normal skilled brackets...........................................

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                      I'd say like 1 in 4 games you get some REALLY stupid peruvians on your team and you have to carry the shit out of them, but also 1 in 4 games the enemy team is hilariously incompetent and you just walk into their base and collect mmr.

                                                      Honestly some of my recent games are on-par with 3k players, but sometimes they are close and high skill.

                                                      Idk why there is so much difference in skill from game to game, the averages stay within a 400 mmr range.

                                                      lm ao

                                                        Hey how about if you go fuc k yourself out instead of trying to sound smart with your inferior reasoning skills you cant even see correctly how muany games I played in total.

                                                        Im pretty sure as a Pinoy you are one of those camera-obsessed hedonistic nitwits who are so fucking behind the fucking worlds pace but still try to desperately sound witty and clique when you guys are unbearable af

                                                        Waku Waku

                                                          Hate to say but i agree with @murranji.........3k 3.8k 4.5k players thinking they are of 6k caliber but play like 1.5k. and 3k 4k players who cant seem to get out of their normal and hs brackets.


                                                            The problem with these posts is that, they are probably right. Based on the ridiculously small sample sizes they are always based on. Ffs. Stop these useless my team Is crap followed by the only game changing factor is you. Both are fkn right duh.

                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                            Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

                                                              IT'S LIT

                                                              Waku Waku

                                                                @ G_G right sorry pro, 800 games and still in normal skill pool. I highly doubt pinoy will come to db and waste their time here when they can be a paper legend in game l0l0llll0l

                                                                ♏mikeeCS ツ



                                                                    First picking carry is the most retarded thing u can do to throw the game.


                                                                      You are correct in the fact that your team mates make a lot of mistakes. Those team mates, however, are outside your sphere of influence and thus shouldn't be something you strive to change. The only things you should strive to change are those within your own sphere of influence and that's your own game play and your attitude towards your team mates' game play.

                                                                      I have found that most people who complain about team mates etc focus more on their problems rather than their own, which then becomes more detrimental to the game. You have to be more constructive, both towards yourself and other people.

                                                                      lm ao

                                                                        Can pinoys stop posting in this forum if you talk with half the wit of a hillbilly? You're just ruining our rep.


                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                        Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

                                                                          i DO NOT usually first pick the carry.

                                                                          kk thx

                                                                          Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

                                                                            ok NORMAL skilled


                                                                              Marcel: Dude, you have a lot of games and if you are playing mainly carry, you need to have more are probably missing a lot of last hits. Just improve it and you will rise high.
                                                                              I am playing Dota2 only 2 months and i have more gpm than u. And iam playing also support a lot.
                                                                              You have to play more roles than only carry, sometimes it is very important if you have team full of dumbass.

                                                                              lm ao

                                                                                Buttsore loser
                                                                                PMA PMA PMA PMA PMA


                                                                                  Only plays core heroes and expects to get better, stuck in Normal-High skill after 3500 games.

                                                                                  Waku Waku

                                                                                    l0l paper legends all around

                                                                                    Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

                                                                                      i was in the very high skilled tier for a year ago. But i think your solo mmr determines your skill bracket for DOTABUFF like 3.7k and above would be VHS from what i know. and i'm here asking for tips and not to pick a fight i just find it annoying when the NORMAL skilled brackets people keep on yapping when we are on different a tier.


                                                                                        whats the point on getting high mmr, if ur forgot the game is created for fun. if u want to play seriously just make a team, join tournament and win it, its more worth than tryhard climbing mmr that you can make money and improve ur skill also. if ur still mind about that mmr, these are my suggestions :
                                                                                        1. buy high mmr account
                                                                                        2. try to make smurfs
                                                                                        3. git gud

                                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                          ^ pls dont do 1 and 2 cos its retarded proposition.

                                                                                          Play more roles to fully understand the game. Also:


                                                                                          What is this item build ? Read a guide about how Void should be played now. U got carried this game.


                                                                                          This game is fine. Good overall stats.


                                                                                          Techies picker = ez -25. Cs is ok.


                                                                                          Forget scepter on juggernaut. Cm fed badly here i see.


                                                                                          LD pick here was quite retarded. Not sure who picked first. Him or enemy sven.


                                                                                          Team full of feeders.

                                                                                          U seem to be very unlucky with the teams u have. Your farm is ok, but i dont know if u can turn your advantage into objectives. Someone would have to watch your games.

                                                                                          EDIT: Its SEA. Change region if u can.

                                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                          Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

                                                                                            thanks LEX! :D

                                                                                            lm ao

                                                                                              Yapping XD

                                                                                              You should try putting 'I used to be borderline vhs in dota' i heard itd help you get a high salary joband u can 420yoloblaze fuck bitches for the rest of your life

                                                                                              Buhu im normal skill im inherently incapable of self improvement

                                                                                              Buu fucking huu im normal skill so by principle i find it impossible to understand basic psychological interactions with anonymous people


                                                                                                retards cancel each other, if you're the only nonretarded person, you'll be probably losing some matches with retards but you should win a bit more often than lose and steadily rise

                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  Unranked VHS does not mean you are 3.7k+ this only holds true in solo ranked


                                                                                                    I mock all juggernauts who buy scepter

                                                                                                    We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                                                                      Don't be autistic and talk to your team over mic. Then you'll become like daddy Aku