General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do players with absolutely shitty attitudes get commends?

Why do players with absolutely shitty attitudes get commends? in General Discussion

    There was an invoker with a commend badge who's an absolutely shitty attitude.

    After first blood he said "gg report riki we lost".

    And then I got a kill back, and then he said "gg report riki ks"

    And then he started saying things like "I hate you so much fuck your mom fuck you fuck fuck", "just abandon the game" etc. And then he started pinging my location to the enemy team and said "OMG why isn't the enemy team following my pings?"

    How does he get so many commends for being such a shitty attitude player???????? Does he have 9 smurfs every game that he parties with to commend himself??

    He always gets good KDA's but because he KSes. Nothing wrong with KS, but his play is super selfish as is his attitude and I don't understand why people would just commend him just because he has good KDA's.

    EDIT: It's perfectly okay for him to KS, I'm not complaining about that. But I would never commend someone just for having a good KDA, whether it's KS or not. I only commend people for being team players. If a carry says "gj team" and keeps up the morale, then I will commend. But if a carry says nothing and just gets a good KDA, nope. Same for a support.

    Ce sujet a été édité

      People with alot of commends are people who asks for it every single god damn game like a begger on the streets. It's like getting a pat on the back after a good game, only that you need to ask for it so whats the point of the pat? :x

      Pale Mannie

        Its just in your mind that they commend rude players like invoker

        Venus, MBA

          Everyone has bad games, everyone has games where they get really salty and complain to their teammates. Perhaps that invoker acts nicer in some of his other games and you unfortunately got stuck with him on a day where he was just down in the dumps. Try not to let him get to you. Just mute him if he gets out of hand.

          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!


            I understand everyone has their bad days, I do too. But there are some things you just don't say, not even on a grumpy day.


            He actually does. He says "commend me, I carried noobs on my team" in all chat every game (the 3 that I've played with him at least, 1 of them was on my team, 2 on the enemy team). Sadly people do commend him because his KDA's are super high because he doesn't do anything except sunstrike enemies from far away.

            It's actually sad, because his teams usually take his bullshit and say "sorry for being noob, thanks for carrying" after he calls them noobs and insults their family.

            Ce commentaire a été édité

              Why is it ok for you to ks? You always complain about invokers who ks but you do the same thing with Riki.

              lm ao


                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  It's okay for him to KS, but don't expect to be commended just for KSing and getting a good KDA.

                  I never say "commend me pls I carried best KDA". I never expect to be commended either.

                  KS is perfectly okay, but just getting a good KDA isn't gonna make me commend anyone, in fact I usually actually commend people who are willing to support since we seem to lack one.

                  I actually have a commend badge in LoL (they're called honors in LoL), and it's usually because I having the best KDA in the team, and I think that's a shitty reason to commend/honor anyone. I didn't deserve the commends if I get them just because of my KDA. I'd feel much more proud of my badge if I earned it because I was actually a helpful person, which I consider myself to be. But not for KDA.

                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                    Move along gais.


                      He should get commended because he helped win the game. By Ksing you, he was able to buy items to win the game. He was a real team player because he was making sure it would be harder for you to get Dagon and rapier.

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        so now its a 4v5 then