General Discussion

General DiscussionHow the fuck do I win

How the fuck do I win in General Discussion

    In World of Tanks it has always been my teammates dying all around without getting much done, and it is pretty much the same around here. I am destined to meet not 1 not 2 but 3 fucking idiots every single game ever since I returned to here, ranked or unranked, my favorite hero or not, whatever timing.

    Seriously just what kind of fuck do I need to do in order to win games? For fuck sake I swear multiplayer game is the most toxic shit ever created in the history of mankind.


      youve probably heard it before but assuming you're not trying to lose games theres a 4/9 chance of someone doing dumb shit on your team and 5/9 for the enemy team. if you just spam out games you'll eventually rise because you have a positive winrate, try to not focus on mmr loss in the short term because that'll just make you tilt.

      like if you lose 100 mmr from 4 games in a row, that's just a few bad games. it's not an indication that you aren't going to increase your mmr in the long run.


        It's said by some guy. This...Reasoning. Read carefully, it might be better for your health:
        Most Dota 2 pub players hang around in like 45-55% winrate so the next thing occurs. Imaginate just this 25% from all the games you play, will always be lost no matter how hard you try or how well did you do( this includes allies dcs, intentionall feed and the likes) so your max winrate would be 75% if you win ALL the games. Then, there are those games when the enemy dcs or gets an intentionall feeder or your mid invoker played like God and you were carried, thats another 25% games always WON. So you have 25% from your games secured. But there's another 50% to fill. From minimun 25% to maximum 75% only one thing prevails... YOU. You can make that be 60% winrate like pro players or 45% like casuals that dont follow the meta. It's up to you. Hope you enjoyed the reading, i did this from the phone traveling in TRAIN ( 9Pm in Argentina, creepe as hell)


          Guess what? You can't rise with 3 dumb shits in your team. And losing 14 games in the last 20 games (<33.33% wr) is not just "few bad games". I certainly had had too many of it.

          Whatever the fucking game is I can never seem to escape from this stupidity. I got 59.2% wr in World of Tanks, and they were doing such a brilliant job in pulling me down to 58.9% within few days when my games played are over 10k. Just what the hell is wrong with people nowadays that they seem to some scripts running around my area just to plague MY games?


            I wish I'm having less of those so-called 25% unwinnable games, especially not 5 in a row.

            Oh my I look exactly like every single shit that had ever ranted in DB forums. Fuck it.

            Waku Waku

              l0l 2k and 3k is pure......................retarded. I have my offlane last pick choosing spec due to the reasons as follow:
              1) we have 2 stunners
              2)our late game is stronger
              3)he doesnt trust our carries( he himself is in a low 3k range mmr)

              He laned against a medusa and let her free farm for 25mins l0l.........Imagine a medusa tanking ur tower at 15mins cause she was walking around with a linken supported by 2 healers


              FZ 1 N

                Play heroes that are good at fighting and pushing, don't try to save your teammates because they dived or engage in lost fights just for the sake of it.

                Try to counter pick and stop giving a fuck about the game, make fun out of any situation possible. :]


                  Unfortunately the game is entirely decided by picks. If your team mates pick good heroes you'll win. If they pick bad ones you'll lose. In the perfect world all games of Dota would be single player.


                    yeah thats why merlini won a 70 minute game with 5 supports against a spectre

                    picks matter but are not 100% game defining. you can lose with 'good' picks and win with 'bad' picks because you still need to execute your strategy.

                    And losing 14 games in the last 20 games (<33.33% wr) is not just "few bad games"

                    yes it is. if you're looking at improving in the long run, then the outcome of a game in the short term is not relevant. you might lose games where you played out of your mind but over a significant sample size (20 is not sigifiicant), if you are getting better at the game, you'll also be winning games that you "should" have lost had you not played as well as you did, but they'll happen more often than the opposite.

                    got 59.2% wr in World of Tanks, and they were doing such a brilliant job in pulling me down to 58.9%

                    who gives a fuck about a 0.3% difference. if you spent as much time actively trying to improve as you spend number crunching you'd already reach whatever mmr it is that you want to reach. you're playing worse probably because you focus on your stats too much, so seeing them drop makes you tilt and as a result play worse.


                      If u feel bad, look at my current games..last two shitty suicide picks and then allied dced in a sure win game..all about luck ><

                      FZ 1 N

                        Well when you have players like this shitty spectre from my last game you are doomed to lose the game no matter how you play and what you do. ;) Ignore all the shits, bleed it out and move on to the next one.


                          I think the hardest defeats is when you are playing on point and lose multiple games in a row . Luckily most of the time you lose multiple games in a row u are either playing average or below average for yourself . I find a tilt when I am fully rested and playing we'll the hardest defeats to swallow.


                            "you're playing worse probably because you focus on your stats too much, so seeing them drop makes you tilt and as a result play worse."

                            This is quite a realization. How do you keep yourself from dwelling on your stats too much?

                            Come to think of it, ever since I started using dotabuff I just became really conscious of my winrate to the point of being anxious about queuing for ranked and losing mmr.

                            Swap Commends

                              U can't do anything move on

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!