General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's good

What's good in General Discussion
John bloody Constantine

    Sven lane or Jungle?

    < blank >

      If you go jungle I'll report you

      Fee Too Pee

        are you seriously asking this? no more jungle carry OMFG stop


          gonna go with report for jungle sven

          Fee Too Pee

            lane more gold and more exp just go in lane and have balls for face the offlane hero.


              Why not both?

              Fee Too Pee

                well basically with sven after max cleave you can stack camp and ez bonus gold. BUT NOT FROM THE START m8


                  yeah, dont jungle sven...
                  you can terrorblade jungle but please
                  dont sven jungle


                    Sven is better in Lane than in jungle

                    < blank >

                      op is a f4'g'it


                        The only decent junglers are the Support jungler : Enigma, Chen , Ench (more usefull on lane since the last patches)

                        Mr. Pickles

                          U jungle sven and the opponents carry free farm the lane. Ggwp


                            ggwp report noob sven