General Discussion

General DiscussionMID / CARRY position.

MID / CARRY position. in General Discussion

    Guys, I recently noticed that playing as mid has not the same impact as latest patches. I mean , I feel like no matter how much impact I have done in a game playing as mid, In the end of the match the enemy team win the match (I know sometimes it depends on what team has most late game heroes) but when I play as Carry it's easier to me to win the game.


      Unless your OD then your impact is crazy high

      Fee Too Pee

        if the lineup is good , late pick huskar and go mid, ez zone , ez free farm , ez denies , ez enemy mid useless


          Huskar has good early/mid game, but as a late game hero is horrible. any carry at late game can beat huskar.


            Huskar is easily kitted during late game and doesn't have high dmg to kill another carries like spec and sven but one of the most annoying heroes to lane against during the laning stage


              How a hero with a passive skill that Huskar has can be bad in late game? Impossible.


                That's what I'm talking about, I have no problem to get impact in the early/mid game, eg: look at this match.

                Fee Too Pee

                  the idea playing with huskar is end the game by <30 minutes, countering "late game" popular hero right now like spectre, just see my recent games on huskar, not rare to see game around 30 minutes end. well just an advice anyway, but this seems work even for my mmr 3800ish


                    Soultrap... spectre, pa, ta, Antimage, morphling, medusa, qop, slark, tiny, jugger, even invoker can beat huskar at late game. You only need , Bkb, ghost scepter, or Heaven Halberd, to counter that shitty hero.


                      I know, that's the Idea, but huskar can't beat the entire team, I was talking about that mid heroes has not the same impact as latest patch.

                      Fee Too Pee

                        i will talk my opinion based off my experience with my huskar games 6.86 , sure , i am not deny that huskar late game is shit. thats why u go mid , position 2 , u dominate early mid game , and push early with armlet when they do not have enough dps for kill you, give your position 1 space , and basically push all towers before enemy got cores items. and some heroes your mention is not good against huskar , qop cannot burst down huskar as it seems on paper , slark hit like shit early , huskar can tank omnislash great mid game since he builds armor. either way you win so early or let your position 1 farm so much that you win late game anyway like spectre

                        TL : DR
                        read that shit pls


                          @青峰 大 辉
                          BKB only counters part of Huskar's damage, same as Ghost. Disarm counters all carry heroes.


                            @Soultrap Life break, and burning spear made the most damage in that hero, thats why bkb ruins huskar. Most of carrys builds bkb at late game, so disarm is not a big problem for them, instead of Huskar, which doesn't usually builds bkb because of his passive, so Halberd is a big problem for him.

                            Pale Mannie

                              From a mid thread to a huskar thread


                                @Goethe AHAH, Yes, I don't know why anybody can answer about my post instead of speak about huskar. o.O

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                                Fee Too Pee

                                  lol sorry man, but other mid hero that is actually piece of shit annoying carry right now is OD , just spam 2nd pick him , ez mmr


                                    Yes, I know. haha but I find really boring playing that hero, I can't enjoy a game spaming ORB and sanity eclipse o.O

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      i had game where enemy AM farms 14 minute PT and BF , still die instantly against OD , i tell ya , OD do not have any direct counter atm , maybe disarm / evasion but thats all counter to all enemy carries. that shit OP as fuck , but yeah i agree boring as fuck


                                        Everyone forgot the best counter to huskar AA ice blast :O

                                        ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                          Doesn't Necro's Reaper Schyte still can beat huskar?


                                            This is exact opposite of how it actually is. Nowadays you just have to pic Zeus, go mid, get easy farm, items kills etc, then win.


                                              go mid, own mid and gank after collecting rune


                                                I was having the same issue, it really comes down to A) making sure you have a plan from the start to deal with the enemy carry and B) making sure you have a hard carry on your team as well unless you plan on ending the game before 40 minutes or so. As a mid I gank early and often, letting my teammates always know when I'm coming in and pinging a bunch on the hero I'm targeting.