General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibrated at 1.7k in SEA ... Am I Doomed ?

Calibrated at 1.7k in SEA ... Am I Doomed ? in General Discussion

    As you can see i only plays support most of the time and finally finished my calibration out of curiosity.
    The journey is painful just for getting these calibration done. There's always those teammates "saying" they're lagging and thus making them a liability for us. For example my last two ranked match as Undying (which is my best heroes) and Oracle. Getting ranked is quite nice, but when it's like these it really is not fair ....

    Anyway, now my rant is done. Should i keep playing Ranked in these mmr range ? Or should i just leave it and plays non-ranked game ? What should i watch out / do if i choose to keep playing in these mmr range ?

    D the Superior
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        1.7k?! One more proof that nobody knows how calibration system really works. There is no explanation for your MMR to be that low.


          if u want to get out of that 1.7k sh*t tier in SEA.all you got to do is to avoid first pick supports i mean HARD supports such as crystal maiden,shadow shaman,bane and those profesional might consider them in 3th till last 1st or 2nd pick if u still want a support consider semi supports such as enchantress,enigma,leshrac,necrophos,sand king,es. u know what?that pays off for me :)


            keep a minimum 2 observer wards at map. 3 if you're rich :).use opportunities to ward. u're doing fine :).goodbye to that 1.7k

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              If you're 1.7k it means you're doing a lot of things wrong. I suggest you improve your game in non ranked and watch a lot of videos/guides on how to improve before going back into ranked.

              Dota 2 was my first MOBA and I also calibrated as a support. Learning from people better than you is possibly one of the best ways to improve. Lots of people I know around the 2k level are there because they lack the desire for self-improvement (aka they just keep spamming games and blaming people)


                Even i calibrated higher at 1.8k, and back then I was a different kind of garbage. You must be a special kind of trash to calib 1.7 in the 2nd lowest skill mmr region


                  @Blanc Best Girl
                  What you say is wrong, I played half of my calibration matches as Treant Protector:
                  Naga Siren - Won Match - 3/3/12
                  Treant Protector - Won Match - 5/2/6
                  Treant Protector - Lost Match - 0/7/6
                  Treant Protector - Won Match - 3/5/9
                  Treant Protector - Won Match - 4/4/7
                  Treant Protector - Lost Match - 1/7/5
                  Ursa - Lost Match - 1/12/1
                  Treant Protector - Won Match - 5/3/15
                  Crystal Maiden - Won Match - 7/3/17
                  Crystal Maiden - Lost Match - 2/11/14

                  My KDA, HD, TD and all other stats were beyond horrible, but somehow I calibrated at 3.2k.

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                    No problem, i was calibrated at 2.4 solo, and for 3 weeks now i have 3.6 solo and still climbing.
                    Ez bro just play it, enjoy the climb if u really not suppose to be there.

                    SEA is easyy


                      im playing support too

                      We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                        Yeah like the above poster has said. Just keep playing, learn from your mistakes and watch some higher level matches or noob matches and watch how things play out.


                          Yes you are in fact doomed.


                          These are my smurf 1.5k games on SEA. As you can see even a 3k player has difficulty winning sometimes (there were 2 games - Lina and Brew where I semi-tried to win and lost despite it).


                            Don't feel bad. I calibrated at 1.4k in US servers back in Source 1 client. My hidden MMR's around 3k now and playing ranked matches is so easy now, even as support for Peruvians. Just dominate your lane, take T1s, and destroy their jungle farm.

                            It'll get better, just keep trying.


                              i made it at 800 mrr after a few months 1.8k and climbing... only supports btw


                                100% doomed


                                  Well, some said i'm doomed but looks like more suggested i try to climb with it for a while, which i think i'll do.
                                  Besides learning from my mistake, i hope in the future i can find teammates that doesn't have "problem" hindering their performances.

                                  Btw, is there a way to filter between Ranked Party and Ranked Solo ?

                                  you all cant carry me

                                    I don't think there's a way to filter. Calibrated at 1.5k dropped to 1.3 back to 1.4 and now 1.3 and im supporting most of the time (using ES) I prefer mid cause I lane mid better than a 2.8k solo friend and it wins games most of the time.


                                      Dota MMR doesn't recognize support player as much especially if you play support since the beginning you will most likely to be put in a "normal skill" bracket because of your gpm and xpm, k/d/a as a support. If you want to calibrate high mmr you need to get to "very high skill" bracket to do that you need to prove that you can carry yourself even with bad teammates. When you get locked in "very high skill bracket" then you can play whatever you want until rank calibration.


                                        i calibrated 1.8k SEA and i got out of it and im now 2.7k MMR (used to be 2.9k) so no, you are not doomed, it just takes time to get out of it

                                        Nyams is another player who calibrated really low, but is now 2.4k

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                                        queen's speech

                                          just get good at this game.. its doesnt matter. if you 3k player u will rise a 3k mmr from 1700 without any problems