General Discussion

General DiscussionAssault Cuirass Build from blademail, Shiva's guard build from Veil??

Assault Cuirass Build from blademail, Shiva's guard build from Veil?? in General Discussion

    Current AC- Hyperstone (2000), Plate Mail (1400), Recipe (1300), Chainmail (550) Total 5250
    New AC- Hyperstone (2000), Plate Mail (1400), Broadsword (1200), Recipe (1000) Chain Mail (550), Robe of the Magi (450) Total 6600

    Current Shiva- Mystic Staff (2700). Plate Mail (1400), Recipe (600) Total 4700
    New Shiva- Mystic Staff (2700). Plate Mail (1400), Helm of Iron Will (900), Null Talisman 470, Robe of Magi x2 (900), Total 6370

    What do you think if AC was made from blade mail, Plate mail and hyperstone and retained its active? Aswell as shivas guard being made from a veil and mystic staff and enemies effected by the freezing field take increased magic damage? Think it could make the t2 items less dead end and the t4 items more interesting. (I play alot of Wraithking and Pheonix!)


      To expensive. lol. Granted it is understandable that you want to incorporate having to upgrade mid tier items to high tier tier items, the prices are ridiculous.


        True, however both are items with really strong passives/stats and game changing actives, the only item like them would be satanic and it is priced similarly. (satanic is also a mid game item upgrade)


          Your new Shiva is good but with the new AC I don't quite agree because the goal of blade mail is to make the enemy damage himself but since you would pair it up with AC it would decrease the effectiveness of blade mail since you become tankier.