General Discussion

General DiscussionDoom against OD+OMNI

Doom against OD+OMNI in General Discussion

    Is there anyway to seee winrate doom against od+omni


      Probably 35% or something. None of the Stat pages have that info though.

      U are all dogshit

        Try, don't know whether it has combo winrates vs specific heroes though. In any case I would imagine that the winrate is pretty low.


          doom is not more counter to od omni then any other combo or lineup. He is everyones conter a few seconds every other minute. If you don't have doom vs OD he will kills you very very fast and int loss hurts a ton too. I wouldnt say, that on paper, he is very good against OD.

          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            You can stop the Omni Knight by playing Naga Siren. Cast Sleep if he Guardian Angel. And you can still use Net even the enemy has repel.

            However, a good OD is practically hard to stop. A good slark can fight head on against OD.


              @Thunderyard: Doom eats purge creep that's why he counters omni