General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm not a kill stealer. I secure kills, but I also do the most damage...

I'm not a kill stealer. I secure kills, but I also do the most damage and assist the team. in General Discussion

    like here I have the 2nd most damage on my team and they're still calling me a kill stealer. I had 15 assists too.

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    the realm's delight

      suicide when?

      Pale Mannie

        Pale Mannie


          U are all dogshit

            Didn't think that such a game could ever be.


              man get a Job or something

              U are all dogshit

                You spend a lot of time doing this man, 1 hour games, I'm actually wondering whether you actively sabotage your games or who knows what the fuck. If I was in one of your games you would either mute me in the 1st minute or hang yourself in the second.

                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  No, I don't sabotage anyone, my teammates just complain about KS which prevents them from actually playing the game.


                    in those brackets KSing will piss them off and they will underperform and u lose.


                      and plss hit creeps and towers...

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        in those brackets KSing will piss them off and they will underperform and u lose.
                        That's their problem, Im not gonna let the 50 hp enemy get away just so my team doesn't get pissed off.


                          well, we can all be greatful that there is mmr system so we don't have to be ranked with this dickstain of a player. Probably drinks cancerpotions for breakfast with ebola on the side, and some coffee with aids in it.

                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                            It's sad if you're high mmr and still care about KS

                            I'm the carry.

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                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                              The difference between a Riki KS and a sniper KS.

                              A Riki actually carries the team while a sniper just hogs the KDA.


                                You have no tower damage at all. How can you call that a carry? Why don't you hit the towers? Why don't you take objectives? The goal of the game is to break enemies ancient. Did you ever hit a building? Frags won't win you the game. Maybe that's why you have 30%~ winrate. You will probably never leave your bracket with that behaviour.


                                  ^ Don't go so hardcore. We're just 100 MMR tards over here.


                                    about the 50 hp thing, use dagon and shit on the target earlier and ur team finishes them off
                                    use it ASAP and have the dagon back off cd earlier

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                                      Nice 0 TD with 2 divine rapiers! FailFish


                                        im pretty sure you're just a troll but i can't decide for sure. maybe you're actually just literally completely retarded.

                                        im gonna stick with troll though, how can anyone be this retarded. even a fuckin' league girl could do better than you.


                                          I used to think he was a troll but I just can't imagine anyone being so dedicated to the cause. I know the Internet is a big place but who would spend 100hrs playing like he does just to get attention on dotabuff? I honestly believe he believes what he writes.

                                          Which makes it all the more terrifying...


                                            Zero tower damage! You're not the carry.


                                              you dont level smoke screen until 21. gtfo


                                                What do you expect you're a 2k mar and you're tanking 2k mmr with riki lol

                                                [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                                                  The difference between a Riki KS and a sniper KS.
                                                  A Riki actually carries the team while a sniper just hogs the KDA.

                                                  The difference between you and a good player is that you believe this


                                                    He isnt 2k mmr! he is well below 500

                                                    Vladimir Putin


                                                      Dagon Eblade riki is a CHI LONG QUA approved build

                                                      ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                                        This guy already create 3 or maybe more thread screaming that he isn't kill stealing.
                                                        Lots of guys already give advices but he just didn't listen and just believe that he is "the real carry" who never kill steal, but rarely bring the team to winning.

                                                        Give up guys,
                                                        Stop give comments.
                                                        This guy won't listen to others.


                                                          kill secured as he said. LOL!

                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                            I see he got banned finally


                                                              How u know he got banned ?


                                                                He's not responding


                                                                  He hasn't played for a day bur :/

                                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!


                                                                    And that only talks about supports KSing. The carry should always KS if possible.

                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                      Don't listen to them Фантом Рики!!!!! They just don't understand how to play RIKI at your level.

                                                                      Krazy Kat

                                                                        I watched one of his games and it is always like this.
                                                                        Pings enemies.
                                                                        Stands there.
                                                                        No points in smoke to help his team.
                                                                        Steals the kill.
                                                                        Still not sure if retarded of troll.


                                                                          learn 2 play moar heroes lol

                                                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                            this is my riki only account

                                                                            chode picks

                                                                              i agree u r awesome


                                                                                oh mighty riki, bless us with your presence and divine rapiers


                                                                                  1) play something besides riki, everyone hates riki by default
                                                                                  2) take some towers, there's more to the game then getting a bunch of kills
                                                                                  3) when in doubt say sorry, unintentional KS
                                                                                  4) stop playing riki. Jesus.


                                                                                    Dagon eblade rapier hmmm..
                                                                                    Also ur zeos hero dmg is so fucked up is he afk or something


                                                                                      40 cs in one hour even though he one hits crepps
                                                                                      Where was the "GG" post ?


                                                                                        best riki player. mineski need u


                                                                                          kill y0urself bruh. i get more cs with a support by min 20 than you. youre the worst 1k player ive ever seen. 100% sh1t

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            -you bought three rapiers
                                                                                            -fed one to huskar looks like
                                                                                            -did zero tower dmg
                                                                                            -lost game

                                                                                            seems like you'd rather jerk off to hero dmg and kda than actually win games

                                                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                              No, I bout 2 rapiers and Huskar bought 1.


                                                                                                How to loose with rapiers (if ur not bace racing)

                                                                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                                  What's bace racing?