General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play riki in 6.86?

How to play riki in 6.86? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    The hero has changed so vastly that I dont even know what positiong he is? Should you still play him offlane or is he a carry now? or like roaming pos 4 (kind of like bounty)

    What is the itembuild? Is bf valid?


      Dagon > Eblade > Rapier > Boots > More rapiers

      Carry of course.

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        take a look at the guy above, he knows bout riki


          stack bf's and pretend you're ember spirit


            bf has been fixed boi


     doesnt even affect illusions i think

              Low Expectations

                33% winrate in normal skill lol

                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  I haven't lost a rapier in 2 weeks.


                    There are some top 100 player builds at the bottom of this post on my blog.


                    Basically he is a lot more farm intensive now than before. Still I would run him offlane because he is a weak laner and will die to an aggressive dual offlane.

                    Onii chan

                      if its me i would love to make him a roaming sup with venom orb, sometimes my riki goes only with 20 cs. later it become initiator carry and make slow item build such as diffu, sy, skadi or basher

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        sometimes my riki goes only with 20 cs

                        Mine too.


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                        Onii chan

                          ^lol suck riki player above XD

                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                            We had an abandoner in that game, couldn't help it.

                            Onii chan

                              i mean ur all games, ur item build, and winrate. haha nc riki XD

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                I have abandoners and feeders in almost all of my games.

                                Sometimes they don't even disconnect, they just sit at fountain taking up all our precious gold and not letting us sell items. Then they rage in chat about reporting people for KS.

                                [F]unky Panda

                                  Laning phase ; get exp. CS doesnt matter bcuz once ur lvl 6 ur good to go. RIKI dont need farming
                                  Mid game ; set up ganks. scout for heroes solo farming, call for assistance.. finish the game as fast as possible

                                  Reminder; Dust, sentry doesn't really bother you. Gem is the number one enemy. Once enemy got gem. Be patience in movement and backstab.

                                  role wise ; He's better suited at 3/4 position. Let other 'naural late' carry be the main position 1 of ur team. your role is to scout,observe,ganks and kill the supports/ easy hero.

                                  Best combo ; Spectre , NAture prophet, zeus , io

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                                    PM this guy > Фантом Рики!!!!!

                                    he does free tutorials. watch his vids. best riki player hands down