General Discussion

General DiscussionIron Talon as a mini Midas for supports

Iron Talon as a mini Midas for supports in General Discussion

    Seen pros buying this item 5 mins into a game. They use it to farm camps on route to ganks and generally while roaming. I have had success with it on Treant. Seems to work for supports / offlaners such and VS, beastmaster, orge, SB, veno etc.

    Need to try it on more heroes myself. Anyone else doing this?


      on treant is so good because you can remove wards without breaking invis


        Lol, offlaners buys iron talon with tango and then go forest

        Riguma Borusu

          It's a good idea, if you're playing a support without massive AoE capabilities or who can't easily kill creeps from 100% to 0%, it's pretty good.