General Discussion

General Discussion4.7k to 5k

4.7k to 5k in General Discussion

    Ok guys as you can see I have a 66 % win rate with only picking carry roles and im 4.7k , however.. A lot of my games I have 5k players on my team so I let them go mid / safe

    I am the most horrible support the world has ever seen.. and by that I mean I play great in team fights cause I'm a good carry but I get picked off way too much cause I'm not used to being such low HP..

    I'm very interested in playing offlane mainly to rise to 5k. I believe I can do this with Omniknight / Enchantress / Void / Lone Druid possibly

    Any advice ???

    My biggest problem ( i just played offlane omni game ) is that when supports come to zone me I don't leave in time and I end up feeding like a fucking retard cause I am not used to being so easy to kill.. aka the solo offlaner..

    BASICALLY.. If I'm playing offlaner who can't jungle, what do I do when enemy supports zone me away?

    Assuming they dewarded your ward that blocks their pull camp

    Also, here is one more question, when you're playing support and you got your carry free farm by zoning the offlaner and pulling for him.. if enemy offlane left the lane.. what can you go do now if mid is ungankable (invoker) pretty much? and enemy safe lane has their creeps towards their tower.

    If I can get some solid answers I will climb MMR.. :D

    Or should I just play my best role which (carry), I can play that role well. But if I have someone 5k+ on my team I let them carry.

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        Dude fucking amazing advice. I literally only play mid and safe lane so I'm still relatively new to offlane. That is awesome advice.