General Discussion

General Discussion4.4k+ 1% of dota players?

4.4k+ 1% of dota players? in General Discussion

    Is it true? i try to search but reddit answer is so outdated but they say 4.1k is the 1%.

    sorreh bad eng


      ofc not it's like 10%+ probably.


        Wow India has the lowest average MMR..


          WE ARE THE 99%! RESISTANCE!


            4.4k+ mmr is actually less than 1% percentile, afaik. both reddit poll results and yasp data are biased, cz the sample is shifted towards higher rating (lower mmr players are less likely to be part of it).

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              reddit polls are not reliable. I thought yasp might be a good rep, but the base is less than 900k players, and there are more than 900k online at a time.

              I think the player base may be as large as 10 Million, and since i would guess 90%(probably higher) of players above 4k have had SOME data uploaded (either by themselves or by others in their ranked matches) to YASP..

              Yasp percentiles could be off in theory by as much as a factor of 10, but its probably a little lower

              If YASP says 7.5% of their user base is above 4.4k, the real percentage could be as small as .75%, 1% is very possible.


                might be true. in my country, you can count the 5k+ players on your fingers. the 4ks or are old players, also known around and even 3ks are pretty rare. i got "works at dota" on my facebook and over 20 ppl aasked me to play with them, all under 3k. being a 3k trash doesnt feel that bad anymore.


                  Feels gudman to be -1% dota player xD


                    rory <3

                    to the topic: i think it is less than 1% percentile. but that's for everyone who ever played dota in rmm, so it's basically 1% of people who either care and don't care at all about their mmr and play casually (which is a majority imo and the data says similar thing since 50% is around 2k or something)

                    i'd say that average that you should look at is 3.7k or so - which is from said reddit and yasp data, that's because it's likely based on people who care about their mmr and want to track their progress

                    so i'd go with 10% percentile according to yasp. the 1% one is pretty meaningless if you'd ask me


                      Think about it, judging by leaderboards, all 6k+ players are around 1000 or so. Considering the total population of doto is around 10 million, it would be close to that. Wouldn't say 1%, more likely 2-3%.


                        rofl 1% is probably ~ low 5k or some shit and 4.4k is close to 10% thats for sure.


                          ^where did u get this from?


                            Arin <3
                            Yes, cuz my friends is in that bracket who start playing the same time with me but now my current goal is to reach SEA leaderboard 700 away 28winstreak away.


                              0.0 probably hehehe

                              LeL wats wrong with SEA leaderboard i thought the lowest has 6k+ but its 5.7 now