General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve quality of our games in one simple step

How to improve quality of our games in one simple step in General Discussion

    Games played in tilt can and will be a very frustrating experience for both tilted player and his team. Of course, player should ensure he is not playing in tilt himself, however often it is not the case.
    How many times you've lost a game and instantly queued for another in hope to quickly negate the loss? Most of times our performance in such games are affected by tilt from previous loss and we are likely to lose this game too. However a lot of players, just like me, will queue for a third game still hoping to win and get back mmr.
    Of course most of it depends on player and his ability to stop playing when he feels he is losing rationality and concentration. However, valve can improve our experience a lot with a simple confirmation window asking if we really want to play another ranked game after we lost one and, perhaps, advising to play unranked instead.


      Wth is wrong with you posting this kind of stuff when you are only on a 3 loss streak?

      You can't define a value of loss streak which can affect the player negatively. In fact some might feel that after a single loss already. Are you going to implement such "reminder" for his every single loss just to remind him that he lost the game?

      The reminder thing actually makes the situation even worse since he is now aware that he lost so many games that even something external has noticed this (i.e.: the system), and the system is now suggesting that he SHOULD feel bad at this moment.


        I had large losing streak before and i dropped low enough so games actually became almost impossible to lose, however still i've managed to lose three in a row (first from booster in enemy team, others just in sour of previous loss). And of course players who are playing this game long enough always will get affected by losses, no matter what. However this simple confirmation window will force player to ask himself a question: am i confident enough to play another ranked game right now? Perhaps i should make a break? There is no shame in automatic system pointing out your loss, but it might potentially prevent losing more mmr and ruining your team experience.

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          couple of months ago i lost 11 games in a row, then won one, then lost another 8 in a row feelsbadman