General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes to spam to boost mmr?

Heroes to spam to boost mmr? in General Discussion
✪ alex

    Preferably support heroes. Ty

    Илија Маскович

      aghs if there is no silence
      greaves if there is a silence


        Lich if you have 4 cores on your team.

        Treant , omni, earthshaker otherwise

        dont pick me chineses

          OD then pick OD next game after that pick OD again and then pick OD again


            Noobs can't deal with a good morphling


              Yesterday i played with a booster. 4.5 k mmr


              He picks different hero every game. Have a look at how smart he picks, against certain enemy line-ups.


                Any advice on what core hero I could spam without hurting my team?i'm a decent lc player but i'd like to learn other heroes as well. Please help. Thank you in advance. Also, do i need to play bots for now since my hero pool is limited? Thanks again.

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                [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                  Spectre, Zeus,OD all good cores


                    LC, BB, Spectre, Zeus, Sven and OD are sure to give you a couple of wins as core.
                    As support, Dazzle and Omni if you're playing against a fairly good lineup and Earthshaker if your team has 0 stunners.


                      Thank you guys. I think it is safe to play bots first so I can improve on those heroes.

                      [TRG] Wang

                        I need Team

                        Putins Price Hike

                          Boosting MMR is all luck of the team draw


                            I report all lc pickers i get in my teams cuz they always afk jungle for 25 min for naked blink and lose ever game on purpose


                              Players who pick LC to go jungle deserve a special place in hell. It's like, who even cares about teamplay?

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                SUpport heroes will never boost mmr

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                                    "Хватит фидить Снайпера! an hour ago
                                    SUpport heroes will never boost mmr"

                                    ignore this, pick omni and win.


                                      What is the reason of having a high skill match vs normal? I mean how do I get a high skill match? Is it by being better at the game or just after having better level? And MMR?


                                        honestly, that booster might just pick different heroes so he doesn't get bored.

                                        playing against 4k5 is easy.

                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                          Never pick a support ever unless you want to be at the mercy of 9 strangers skills or lack thereof.


                                            always build rapier first item. it's the only way to win games.

                                            FZ 1 N

                                              Omni is the cancer. Keep your teammates alive (heal, repel, ulti), get utility items and try to not get caught. :)

                                              Miku Plays

                                                vengeful spirit


                                                  keep playing riki and secure kills to boost mmr


                                                    ebolo spirit.


                                                      OD OD OD OD OD OD