General Discussion

General DiscussionConcepts for a new hero (for fun)

Concepts for a new hero (for fun) in General Discussion
Hanamichi Sakuragi

    Since releasing Abyssal Underlord would complete the hero pool, I think its time for OsFrog to make a new hero :D
    So let's release our imagination for a new hero :D
    Mayne, Lord of the Vines /300 ranged attack /Primary Attribute: Agility
    Hands of the Land - entangles an enemy in place. 1/1.75/2.50/3.25 (works the same as Overgrowth but only for one enemy)
    14 seconds cd /600 cast range /70/80/90/100 manacost /Active /Point Target/ Does not pierce through magic immunity.
    Razor Form - makes all of your auto attack damage pure, but damages you for 2.5%/2%/1.5%/1% of your MAX HP (not CURRENT HP)
    Toggling to Razor form and Vines Form has a 4 seconds cd and 1.5 seconds transformation time.
    Frenzy Vines - gives Mayne 15/30/45/60 attack speed and 2/4/6/8 health regeneration
    Mayne's Will - plants his heart in the ground, creating strong, unpassable vines (works the same as Kinetic Field) and 6 replicas of himself. These replicas has a base health of 1500/2000/2500, 10 armor, they cannot move and deal 500% less damage (unless on Razor Form). All damage made by Razor Form will be taken by Mayne after his rebirth. Replicas are positioned in the 6 corners of the field hexagonally. The replicas prioritizes attacking heroes inside the field. Mayne will be reborn in the center of the field.
    Lasts for 5/6/7 seconds /Field Radius 900 / 120/110/100 seconds cd /400 cast range / 225 manacost /Active /Target Area/ Pierces though magic immunity.

    As for the lore... I have something in mind, but I am tired to type it. :D

    Bad Intentions

      I want icefrog to port NOMAD from Heroes of Newerth.

      Damnnn hes probly pound 4 pound d most exciting carry to play :]]


        There is a dota 1 fun mode with many concept heros and they all suck tbh.

        There is also a a big slark-hero with item creating ability lmao

        none of them is balanced

        Pale Mannie

          Radiant Agility

          Concept: He mutes your items, your passives and steals one of your items of his choise temporarely as 5th ability while knocking back the shit out of you

          Q - Sabotage Throw
          Thows his blade in a linear way within 1000 units when it hits a target [creeps, heroes, towers (damage only)] deals knockback for 1/1.25./1.75/2 seconds for 200/250/350/400 units and deals damage based on his agility [0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2] multiplied by the enemy's amount of items.
          Deals Pure damage
          12/10/8/6 seconds cooldown
          80 manacost
          Can be reflected by Lotus Orb
          Does not block Linkens
          Pierces magic immunity

          W - Breaking Blade
          Saboteur gains movement speed based on his agility by 2 for 8 seconds granting unit- and terrainwalking. His next attack applies break to the target for 2/3/5/7 seconds. Can be disspelled
          Ignores movement speed cap.
          24 seconds cooldown
          85 manacost

          E - Mute
          Mutes targetted enemies for 5/5/6/7 seconds in an 650 radius around himself and slows them for 3/5/6/7% per used itemslot for 7 seconds
          19 seconds cooldown
          120/120/110/100 manacost
          Can be disspelled
          Does not pierce magic immunity

          R - Item steal
          Saboteur steals an item from a hero of his choise regardless friend or enemy for 20 seconds.
          Steals item + slot and is considered as 5th ability (stats included)
          75/65/55 seconds cooldown
          No manacost

          He could look like this:

          And his blade like an ork sword for legitimate knockback on his Q:

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            A hero that can toggle his attacks to heal allies instead of attack enemies. So if he is six slotted with right click carry items he can toggle to use this damage as a heal instead. The ultimate late game support.


              I cant imaginate something for a new hero


                Looks like Hindu deitie with many arms.
                Radiant, Melee, agility

                Q- reactivate
                Uses the active on the item in your first slot for 20/20/10/10 % of the items cost as mana. Cool down - 12/6/6/3 sec.

                W- borrow
                Gives 600/1000/1000/1400 gold apon each level skilled in the ability.

                E- item optimize
                Upgrades you're items.
                1- casting distance for actives is increased
                2- cool downs on items is decreased by 20%
                3- all your items that provide stat bonuses, give 1.2x the bonuses to you
                4- reduce cool downs by 35%

                R- many arms
                For each upgrade you get an extra empty item slot.

                Would probably need to be balanced though... I just like item focused hero concepts.

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                  Also the ultimate wyvern ult counter


                    Faction: Radiant
                    Ranged, Intelligence, Support

                    Q: Soul Dagger
                    Target enemy unit is slightly damaged and takes extra damage from incoming attacks.
                    Initial DMG: 50/70/90/110
                    Extra Physical DMG taken: 20/30/40/50
                    Duration: 3.5

                    W: Chakra Clog
                    Attacks have a 10% chance to mini stun
                    Stun duration: 0.3/0.4/0.5/0.6

                    E: Purified Fountain
                    Guru casts a fountain from another realm in to the arena with a 600 radius that Increases the attribute of all nearby allies and decreases that of enemies.
                    Attribute gains per second: 1/1.5/2/2.5
                    Fountain Duration: 10
                    Attribute duration: 30
                    Cool down: 90

                    Ultimate: KARMA
                    Swaps all nearby enemies current health with nearby allies with less than 50% health remaining (Does not work on guru himself)
                    Health steal per enemy: 25%/28%/31%/34% of current health
                    Friendly hero health gain 25% of total health bar

                    Radius: 900
                    Cool down: 160/140/120

                    Idk just thought of this

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                        Deadwood, zephyr, martyr, gemini from HoN is fun and interresting to play because of abit unique mechanics.

                        Dire Wolf

                          Another healing type unit might be cool. A melee int carry and a ranged strength carry would be sweet too.

                          How about,

                          Cyclops, ranged, strength. 600 range.
                          His ranged attacks look like beams shooting from his massive eye. Base move speed of 305.
                          q - Boulder toss. Active. 17 second cd.
                          Tosses a giant boulder at enemy dealing 75/100/125/150 dmg and stunning for 1/2/3/4 seconds. 500 range.

                          w - Charged eye. Passive.
                          Cyclops eye attack charges the longer he doesn't attack. Adds 1/2/3/4 dmg per second to next attack up to a maximum of 100/200/300/400 (100 seconds of charge time). Charges in 1 second intervals but charge has a cd of 2 seconds after attacking (you must stop attacking for 2 seconds for it to start charging). The attacks are drained in three hits, so at level one your first attack does +100 dmg, your second attack does +66, next does +33. At level four it goes 400/264/132. Damage is physical but dealt in a separate instance and cannot crit, but can lifesteal and miss.

                          e - Melee form, toggle. No cooldown.
                          Cyclops uses his fists to smash enemies. Gives +10/15/20/25 dmg per attack but reduces move speed by 5/10/15/20. While in this form his eye can freely charge.

                          r - Rage of the cyclops. Active. 100 second cd.
                          If used while in ranged form instantly max charges your eye and causes your eye attacks to shoot out in all directions for 10 seconds (works like gyro flak cannon but based on time not charges). Eye attacks degrade as normal (three attacks to lose bonus).

                          If in melee form resets cd on your boulder, and causes your next boulder to need no target (just press Q) and throw rocks in all directions, hitting every target in range.

                          Cannot switch forms during duration.

                          So this guy can play as a support like, like a tidehunter with an aoe team stun, or a carry like a gyro with massive aoe dmg.


                            Alien Rogue
                            Strength Ranged (400 range)
                            Banished from his homeworld for stealing a Prototype armoured combat suit, the Alien Rogue searched the galaxy for a power source capable of unlocking the full potential of the armour. The war between the ancients gained his attention; one of them would contain more then enough energy to power his stolen suit.

                            Q: Stun laser: Unit Target
                            Setting his laser weapon to stun, roots and disarms the enemy for 2/3/4/5 seconds and does 90/160/230/300 damage.
                            Mana Cost: 100 Cooldown: 15
                            Does not pierce spell immunity. Blocked by Linken's

                            W: Precision Targeting System: Passive
                            His suit's targeting system enables him to target the weak spots on enemy armour. Attacks ignore 25/50/75/100% of enemy armour. At level 4 he gains truestrike.
                            Pierces Spell immunity. Disabled by break. Effectively multiplies enemy armour value by 75/50/25/0% so it does less damage to units with negative armour.

                            E: Force Field: Passive
                            The suit's shielding system protects him from the most powerful blows, reducing any incoming damage instance to 400/350/300/250.
                            Damage reduced after all other reductions. Effectively means he can not take more than 400/350/300/250 damage from a single instance.
                            Disabled by break

                            R: Assault Mode: No target
                            All safety protocols are over-ridden and the suit temporarily operates at maximum potential. Gains damage equal to his strength times a multiplier. Gains move speed equal to his agility times a multiplier. Gains attack range equal to his Intelligence times a multiplier. During Assault mode the Alien Rogue flies above the battle on booster rockets gaining unobstructed pathing and flying vision.
                            Stat Multiplier: 0.3/0.6/1 Duration: 10/14/18
                            Mana Cost: 150/250/350 Cooldown: 120/100/80s
                            Cannot be purged. Has a 1 second transformation time during which Alien Rogue cannot act.


                              Hero name: Mayonnaise
                              Q: Spread
                              Cast time: 0.2
                              Spreads a white sticky liquid which reduces movement speed (3%/4%/5%/9%), armor (2/3/4/5) and deals damage per second (9/12/18/24).
                              Duration: 11 seconds
                              Cooldown: 20 seconds
                              W: Mix
                              Cast time: 0.2
                              Spreads a chilli sauce which stuns each enemy in its AoE once.
                              Stun duration:1.0/1.2/1.4/1.6 seconds
                              Damage on stun: 20/40/60/100
                              Duration: 5 seconds
                              Cooldown: 60 seconds
                              E: Slippery (Passive)
                              Grants evasion to Mayonnaise Man and increases movement speed of himself and allies when in 700 radius of each other.
                              Evasion: 10%/15%/20%/25%
                              Movement speed aura:3%/5%/5%/9%
                              R:Raining Sandwiches (Aghanim upgradeable)
                              Cast time: 0.3
                              IT'S RAINING SANDWICHES ARGHHHHHHH! Drops destructive sandwiches which cause magical and physical damage upon landing.
                              Magical damage: 200/300/350 (425 AS)
                              Physical damage: 50/100/200 (275 AS)
                              Cast radius: 500 (700 AS)
                              Cast range: 800 (Global AS)


                                @[A~E] TheMaverick427

                                That laser though. 5 second stun, 300 damage low cost fairly low cooldown. I'd spam this for mmr ti6, worlds best dota player playoffs of the year everyday bro


                                  Let's bring in new mechanics. Create a skill that makes stun durations stack instead of overriding each other...actually, that sounds bullshit, so it should be made an ulti.




                                      I really want to see another greek inspired hero like zeus and medusa in the game so i choose.....

                                      Hero name: Kratos

                                      Q- chains of olympus wraps his chains on enemy like rhasta and throws him up in the air and slams him on the ground (if wings of apollo activated can bind up to 2 enemies, ags upgradable can bind up to 4 enemies
                                      Damage- 150/250/325/450

                                      W- Apollo's wings gain flight over obstacles,cliffs for a period of time, movespeed +100 can detect invisible heroes within 700 range,vision increased. 15/20/25/30 duration

                                      E- hercules gloves (can penetrate armor has true sight,can bash +25/50/80/120 damage

                                      R- sword of olympus (lightning damage on his attacks random damage dealt to opponent and nearby enemies sort of like leshrac plus static damage also creates multiple illusions of self, lightning damage 50/100/200/400
                                      Illusions 1/2/3/4 duration 5/6/8/10

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                                        Give me something like Wraith King with 1 spell and 3 passives. Kappa

                                        Miku Plays

                                          Hero name : Allahu Akabr !

                                          Q - scream allahu akbar, raises atk spd and dmg in 250 aoe by 50/60/70/80. cd 20/18/16/14
                                          W- show koran, blinds enemies for 4/5/6/7, miss chance is 30%/40%/50%/60%. cd 20/18/16/14
                                          E - throw bomb, explodes in 550 aoe for 250/310/370/430 pure dmg. cd 30/26/24/22
                                          R - True form, can use Q,W and E at the same time for 40 seconds. cd 90


                                            VOTE FOR MAYONNAISE MAN

                                            Pale Mannie

                                              VOTE FOR SABOTEUR


                                                Dawn- Elusive assassin Agi-Dire

                                                Q- Hidden mist. Spawns a wall of mist blocking enemy vision. Vision can not be used past the mist (including towers, wards, creeps, ancients, fountains), depending on which side you're on. Lasts 4 seconds. Similar to Invoker's Ice wall. Length 300/350/400/450. Duration 2/3/4/5 Cooldown 30/25/20/15 (Depends on where you're standing. It's like regular blocks in vision. If spell immune, the mist has no effect.)

                                                W- Fade. For 10 seconds, gains a movement speed boost and goes through terrain. Can also climb high ground. (Perhaps this could be her E instead as a passive, but the hero would have low move speed, like, 270 or something)

                                                E- Warp. Sets a marker to warp to. Lasts 10 seconds. This mark is invisible to enemies and warping to it is instant. When warped, if still, will be invisible. Deals 15% extra damage on attack. Cooldown 150/125/100/75 Range for cast point 750/1000/1250/1500

                                                R- Clone. Will clone any alive friendly hero on the team and randomly scatter them in a selected area within 3000 units. Clones act on their own and deal 45% damage and take 250% damage. Can be controlled by anyone on the team. Items are usable.


                                                R- Faded Death. Dawn will be phased while being able to attack, but gains 100% evasion and 75% additional magic resistance. Deals double damage on physical attacks. Duration 2/3/4/5 Cool down 180/150/100 (maybe Cannot go spell immune while active?)

                                                The ultimate is hard. It's hard to synergize this stuff, especially when considering item choices that could make it absolutely broken.

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                                                  RIKOR - Robust Intelligent Killer Organic Robot

                                                  Q - Stealth Mode; Toggle - Passive invisibility breaks on attack. Cooldown 12/9/6/3. Grants a passive movement speed bonus of 4/6/8/10% (stays when invis isn't toggled on, but breaks when invis breaks for the duration of the cooldown)

                                                  W - Killer Look; Passive, when enemy is in line of sight RIKOR gets 2/7/12/20 Bonus damage per second against that enemy, loses the bonus instantly when enemy gets out of sight.

                                                  E - Nuclear Missile; no-target Launches a single missile on the nearest enemy. Deals 150/225/300/400 magical damage on impact and 50% of the damage dealt in a 450 AoE around the targeted hero.

                                                  R - Nano Robotics; RIKOR splits himself in 5 parts (Arm 1, Legs, Torso, Arm 2, Head) The Parts all have RIKORs regular movement speed.

                                                  Arm 1 - Can use E

                                                  Arm 2 - Can rightclick, Killer Look Boni still apply

                                                  Torso - Can't attack, but has Stealth Mode toggled automatically (even when is wasn't on before). Invis breaks when Torso tries to attack.

                                                  Legs - Have the movement speed of boots and Stealth Mode's bonus if Torso is invisible.

                                                  RIKOR reassembles himself if all the parts are together in a Radius of 350 for 10s without being attacked or damaged.
                                                  A kill on one of the parts grants 1/5th of the bounty.
                                                  RIKOR can selfdestruct if one of the parts gets killed by using R on any part. (All the parts get destroyed) Channeling time of 1.5s


                                                    that description is just a mess, just like the hero

                                                    Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                      Remember DoTA 2 needs "BALANCED", also we should start votes on hero concepts.
                                                      I vote Cyclops! Also ofc Mayne! :D

                                                      lm ao

                                                        lols I like the Rikor concept
                                                        Unoriginal though as theres already a hero neimd rikor

                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                          Feggeto the Annoyer, Radiant, Intelligence.

                                                          Q Annoy

                                                          Feggeto likes to annoy people

                                                          Single target. 75 mana. 800/1000/1200/1400 cast range. 10/8/6/4 CD.

                                                          Upon cast enemy hero gets diselected and screen moves to random area of the map.

                                                          W Nice set bruh!

                                                          Feggeto loves nice hats

                                                          AoE 300/450/600/750. 100 mana. 13/12/11/10 CD. 1/2/3/4 seconds duration.

                                                          Everyone in an AoE gets switched to showcase mode for a duration.

                                                          E Just kidding

                                                          It was just a prank

                                                          Passive. Activates itself every 16/12/8/4 seconds

                                                          Announcer says random shit whenever this activates or random spell sounds are played. Example: Roshan has fallen to Radiant/Dire, your tower/rax/ancient is under attack, double kill, wicked sick, Aegis time out sound, or spell/item sounds. Audible to enemies only.

                                                          Go f*CK yourself

                                                          R Feggeto tells a certain enemy to fuck himself real hard

                                                          Single target. 600 cast range. 150 mana. 100/70/40 CD.

                                                          Places a debuff on enemy for 7 seconds. At the end of debuff spell deals 500/1000/1500 pure damage and stuns for 3/4/5 seconds. Enemy can get rid of debuf if he drops and picks up all of his items. If done so, spell has no effect.

                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                          pls be patient very noob ...

                                                            +1 fegetto, love the ult mechanics.


                                                              dire strength melee
                                                              Q - Judo Throw - throws enemy overhead stunning for 3 seconds and dealing 75/150/225/300 magic damage for 150 mana. Melee range.
                                                              W - Media Control - silences all opposition in 400/600/800/1000 range for 2/3/4/5 seconds. 100 mana.
                                                              E - Propaganda - makes all enemy creeps to fight at your side for 10/15/20/25 seconds. 100 mana.
                                                              R - Nukes - match instantly ends with -25 MMR for both teams.


                                                                +1 for the MAYONNAISE MAN


                                                                  putin would shift the mmr brackets back to the stoneage.

                                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                                    +1 for Feggeto and Saboteur

                                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                                      Also Putin

                                                                      Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                                        @[Lk] .Zano Your request :)
                                                                        Thazar, the Royal Thief
                                                                        Melee / Primary Attribute: Intelligence
                                                                        Ring of Wonders - allows you to either silence/mute/stun/disarm/break/hex an enemy for 0.50/0.75/1/1.25 seconds
                                                                        2 seconds cd /128 cast range /50/60/70/80 Active /Point Target
                                                                        Quicksands - by harnessing his tools and knowledge about sands, Thazar creates a quicksand on the land, causing enemies to get slowed by 6%9/12%/15% Field Radius 325 /7/6/5/4 seconds cd /300 cast range /120 manacost /Active /Target Area /Does not pierce through magic immunity.
                                                                        Zeal of the Thief - grants Thazar 400/500/600/700 base movement speed. He cannot be slowed, but stuns have 50% more duration.
                                                                        Lamp of the Genie - summons a Genie that gives Thazar's silences/mutes/stuns/disarm/breaks/hexes to stack. This is an aura that only affects Thazar. The aura has 1000 radius. The Genie has 1.45 base attack time, with 30 attack damage. The Genie has 300/400/500 base movement speed. It cannot be killed and has a duration of 10/12.5/15 seconds. Active /500 cast range / 200/300/400 manacost /50 seconds cd /Point Target. I also have something in mind for the lore. ^_^

                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                        Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                                          +1 FOR FEGETTO SO GOOD :D

                                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                                            Thazars Q should be toggleable with cd or be passive

                                                                            Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                                              IMHO, I don't think so, he has melee cast range and that is why Zeal of the Thief is there, also remember he is int so he might as well be a softie. :) Also Fegetto ftw :D


                                                                                I created this concept based on a strenght supportive hero. He is totally focused on teamfighting strategies and is really positioning dependant. The image was took from the internet, so I don't know if it's from another game or so, it's just an image concept which was according to what came to my mind during the creation of the hero.

                                                                                Brogoth, the war drummer

                                                                                Melee, Strenght, Dire

                                                                                Hero attributes
                                                                                Str 25 +2.4 Agi 15 +1.60 Int 18 +1.75
                                                                                Movement speed 295
                                                                                Sight range 1800/800
                                                                                Armor 3.0
                                                                                Base attack time 1.7
                                                                                Damage 48 - 50
                                                                                Attack point 0.3

                                                                                Q - Terrify

                                                                                Beaviour: Point target
                                                                                Damage type: Magical
                                                                                Pierces spell immunity: No

                                                                                Brogoth hits his mighty drums to damage and slow enemies in a conic AOE in front of him.

                                                                                Range: 500
                                                                                Damage: 80/140/200/260
                                                                                Slow: -20%/-25%/-30%/-35%
                                                                                Slow duration: 3/3.5/4/4.5
                                                                                Cooldown: 26/22/18/14
                                                                                Mana cost: 80/100/120/140

                                                                                W - Call of the drums

                                                                                Behaviour: Toggle, Active
                                                                                Pierces spell immunity: Yes

                                                                                Brogoth calls his allies to battle, increasing their movement speed. Every enemy in the affected radius when this skill is activated will generate 1 charge (Max 5 charges). As there are more enemies in range, the effect will be greater. Brogoth himself will not be affected by the buff of Call of the drums. Brogoth will receive increased damage and will have a percent of his total HP drained over time as this ability is activated.

                                                                                Radius: 1200
                                                                                Initial bonus movement speed: 5/10/15/20
                                                                                Increased movement speed per charge: 2%/6%/8%/10% (Affected heroes won't have a movement speed bigger than 522, even stacking with other movement speed sources).
                                                                                Bonus damage received: 25%
                                                                                Health drain: 1%/2%/3%/4% per second
                                                                                Mana cost to activate: 50/70/90/110

                                                                                *Stacks with other movement speed sources.

                                                                                E - Warpath

                                                                                Behaviour: Aura, passive

                                                                                Brogoth's presence incites his nearby allies, passively increasing their health pool. This aura doesn't affect Brogoth unless it was upgraded by Aghanim's Scepter.

                                                                                Radius: 900
                                                                                Bonus HP: 150/275/400/525
                                                                                Refreshing time: 6.5/5/4.25/3.5
                                                                                *In case an ally leaves Warpath radius with low life, his HP will never be lesser than 1 (It should work like Armlet of Mordiggian).
                                                                                *In case an ally leaves Warpath radius, there is a refreshing time before the effect of the aura is renewed (It should work like Tranquil Boots refreshing time).

                                                                                R - War drums

                                                                                Behaviour: Channeling, no target.
                                                                                Affects: Allies and enemies.
                                                                                Pierces spell immunity: Yes

                                                                                CHANNELED - Brogoth hits his drums, increasing courage of it's nearby allies and frightening nearby enemies.

                                                                                *Aghanim upgradeable:
                                                                                - The duration time of War Drums will be frozen on enemies, with it's effect being continuous, as long as they have one or more of their allies nearby.
                                                                                - Warpath affects Brogoth.

                                                                                Radius: 900
                                                                                Duration: 7 seconds (Max. of 7 stacks, 1 stack every second)
                                                                                Allies increased main attribute per stack: 2/3/5
                                                                                Allies increased attack speed per stack: 10/18/24
                                                                                Enemies decreased main attribute per stack: 1/2/3
                                                                                Enemies decreased attack speed per stack: 10/20/30
                                                                                Stacks lost during time (When outside of AOE): 1 stack every 5 seconds
                                                                                Scepter radius: 900
                                                                                Cooldown: 60
                                                                                Mana cost: 150/200/250

                                                                                The duration will start decreasing as soon as War Drums is over or the affected hero leaves the AOE. If a hero leaves, then gets in range of War Drums again, it's duration is refreshed.
                                                                                *It should work like the interaction between Doom's fire path and his ult (If he comes near the affected unit with fire path activated, the effect of his ult is renewed).
                                                                                *Also, it should work like Dazzle's weave in the matter of duration over time, but in this case, the effect will be regressive instead of progressive.

                                                                                PS: I don't know if the correct name of these guys who used to play the drums on war may be called drummers. Correct me if I'm wrong.
                                                                                PS2: Any suggestions for a rework are welcome.

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                                                                                \\  VintageR  \\

                                                                                  +1 for feggeto

                                                                                  Holy Roman Empire

                                                                                    Ghost queen
                                                                                    Q: Wraith form
                                                                                    Transforms a creep into wraith form (cant attack and are invulnerable). Creeps in wraith form will be forced to walk to the enemy fountain and can walk over impassable terrain. Once a creep reaches the fountain or stays 60 seconds in race form he gets denied. Can target all creeps including ancients. Denied jungle creeps or ancient creeps will give normal experience.
                                                                                    Cooldown: 60/40/20/4

                                                                                    W: Wraith consuming machine
                                                                                    Summons a non moving machinegun that has 500hp 100 basic range, 1.5 BAT and 0 dmg. The spirit machine instanstly consumes all current wraiths on the map upon summon and gains +100 range for each. It also gains +10/20/30/40 dmg and attck speed for every wraith consumed
                                                                                    Cooldown: 110/ 100/ 90/ 80

                                                                                    E: Rewrite Destiny
                                                                                    Place an invisble buff to the enemy that lasts for 1 second. If the ghost queen dies while the buff is on she will instead respawn with full health and mana at the location she choses. (Stays dead in an aegis like form till the location is chosen)
                                                                                    Cooldown: 360/300/240/180

                                                                                    R: The dark lord's judgement.
                                                                                    The ghost queen channels wraith energy through her and targets an enemy hero. After 60 seconds of channeling, the hero will die as a deny. While channeled a mini ghost spawns. A mini ghost with 100 hp, 1000 attack range, 600 attack speed, 1000 movement speed, damage equals the current time of the game × ult level ^2.
                                                                                    Cooldown: 6 mins
                                                                                    Cast range: 1000, 2000, 3000


                                                                                      +1 feggeto and putin. Even Badman will have 1 MMR within a week.

                                                                                      Pale Mannie

                                                                                        Nazar'ngwe, the Black King
                                                                                        Melee 145 range

                                                                                        Q - Scepter's Surge
                                                                                        For the next 2 attacks Nazar grants extra damage when he walks more for the duration.
                                                                                        Damage Type: Physical
                                                                                        Distance multiplicator: 5%/7%/9%/12%
                                                                                        Duration: 8 seconds
                                                                                        Manacost: 140
                                                                                        Cooldown: 32/25/18/11
                                                                                        Can be critted

                                                                                        W - Scepter Smoke - Passive
                                                                                        The red glowing eyes of his scepter are smoking when it has the urge to hit something. His attacks have a percentage to deal pure bonus damage and knocking the target back.
                                                                                        Damage Type: Pure
                                                                                        Chance: 17% (true random)
                                                                                        Bonus Damage: 35/55/85/100
                                                                                        Kockback distance: 200
                                                                                        Knockback duration: 1.6 seconds
                                                                                        Cooldown: 3.5/3/2.5/2

                                                                                        E - Scepter Spirits - Passive
                                                                                        Each attack Nazar'ngwe does, reduces the targets armor and magic resistance.
                                                                                        Armor reduction per hit: 0.7/1.4/2/2.420
                                                                                        Magic resistance reduction: 1/2/2.8/3.22
                                                                                        Debuff duration: 10 seconds from last attack

                                                                                        R - Avatar
                                                                                        Black King releases the powers of his bar becoming almost unvulnerable to any source of damage and immunity against sorcery in a period of time.
                                                                                        Bonus attack speed: 50
                                                                                        Damage reduction: 50%
                                                                                        Magic immunity + 100% magic resistance
                                                                                        Duration: 7/8.5/10
                                                                                        Manacost: 100/160/220
                                                                                        Cooldown: 100/75/60

                                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                          Hero with spamin keys
                                                                                          Q: 0,5 sek disable low mana 4,5/4/3/2 sek cd
                                                                                          W:passiv: each used spell gives him 1/1,5/3 (agha 4,5) ult charges
                                                                                          E:200 range can choose an enemy that gets link with another ( needs to be choose as 2nd target),like slark punce to ground
                                                                                          3 guys can get linked
                                                                                          Q stuns get translated to all
                                                                                          If they walk closer they have normal speed if they walk away they get 50% slow
                                                                                          After 700 range(even with blink/tp) all get silenced for 1 sek and after 1500 range the q stun (so only one can tp for eg)
                                                                                          100/80/60/40 sek cd with 80 mana cost each link
                                                                                          Ult : has stcks based on other spells
                                                                                          Can blink for 250/400/650 range


                                                                                            /\ Couldn't understand a single spell


                                                                                              John Cena - End of story

                                                                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                                                                I feel like Goethe took my idea from a thread just like this a longgg time ago about the Black King, but not calling anyone out though. lol

                                                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                                                  ^ when did you posted that?

                                                                                                  Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                                                                    Eltozen, the Reaped Paladin (a carry that can change attacks in damaging enemies into healing allies mostly requested)
                                                                                                    Melee/ Primary Attribute: Strength
                                                                                                    Reaped One's Touch - damages an enemy for 50/100/150/200 pure damage.
                                                                                                    128 cast range /50/60/70/80 manacost / 7 seconds cd /Active /Point Target /Does not pierce through magic immunity
                                                                                                    Great Smash - Eltozen's great axe gives him a chance to stun all enemies in an AOE. 10/15/20/25% chance.
                                                                                                    Stun lasts for 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8 seconds. Smash Radius: 300 AOE.
                                                                                                    Everlasting Hope - gives Eltozen a chance to survive fatal enemy attacks (works like Shallow Grave) giving him 2 seconds immunity, after surviving gives him 100/200/300/400 health. Starts proc'ing when under 20% HP. 7.5/9.50/12.75/15% chance to proc.
                                                                                                    Contract with the Reaper - makes a contract with the Reaper, allowing him to regain his soul in exchange for 50/30/10% of your HP.
                                                                                                    Gives Eltozen 1.5 base attack time. Real form allows you to heal allies using Q. Real form allows you to attack allies to heal for 50/75/100% of your damage. Lasts for 10 seconds. 100 manacost /25 seconds cd /Active

                                                                                                    SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                                                                                                      Actually DotA ImB4 has more legit new heroes than official fun mode.


                                                                                                        +1 to Fegetto the hero seems legit ...gonna spam that hero IF icefraud release it