General Discussion

General DiscussionTerrorblade

Terrorblade in General Discussion

    What is the best itemization/skill build for terrorblade. I like his skillset and all but he is really squishy and has no escape mechanisms. I tried to play rat but it is hard with no escapes(sb is trash) in a clash it is good but if i get focused early, I die fast


      He's no longer very good at ratting. He can still do it with the appropriate amount of space but it's much better to just deathball with your team IMO.


        It's not a good meta for him against the current popular picks. OD destroys him because of his low intelligence, deals extra damage against his illusions. He's always been weak against magic nukers and while lina and leshrac are out zeus is now in. He isn't very good against spectre because he has no aoe damage apart from reflection. No good against sven because sven's cleave destroys his illusions, god's strength deals a huge amount of damage, sven can stun lock him down to prevent reflection, use satanic to just get back to full hp when TB sunders him, TB builds no minus armour so he can't manfight a war cryed sven. He also doesn't deal well with aggressive dual lanes which is what you will be facing 95% of the time when you pick him because of his low hp pool.

        Just don't pick him until the meta favours him again. Though since he didn't get any more buffs last patch before being enabled in captains mode it looks like icefraud thinks that the hero is in a good place which is of course a complete joke.


          I dunno what you're talking about Murranji. I guess that's the consensus of someone who has never tried to fuck around with TB before with alt builds.

          Terrorblade shreds Sven to pieces and does breakeven against OD unless either of them are significantly more farmed than him. How does Sven even win against TB?? Unless he 1-2 shots you which should never happen with your high health pool (skadi) and armor, you just kite around him or hex him. Against an OD it's more of a flip whether or not who gets the jump on who, since you can both kill each other in seconds.

          He's still good but you need to understand farming efficiency, positioning and be able to handle some micro on him.

          Von Darkmoor

            Why aim for late game when metamorphis is so stronk early just push /fight early with metamorphis before Sven, Spectre get items Harb aswell to some degree. Once you taken Tier 2s and got a couple of wards in their jungle its going to get extrmly hard for them to get the farm they need to reck you atleast in theory :)


              -repick into random usual carry with classic build is the most efficient way to stuff tb

              (and no he get raped both by sven and od -special mention for sven if you have an illu nearby, as he will one hit cleave you-)

              Groundcontrol to Major Tom

                Im spamming him, but its hard as fuck to win with. I go jungle usually(yes i get reported alot for this :D ) and get decent farm and try to splitpush alot, but its really not that strong anymore cause everyone has TP´s.


                  TB requires some skill to play good, He's a monster tbh but really hard to master. Those who say just to pick spectre and follow mainstream build will never improve at the game.

                  Actually he fits the push asap meta, since he doesnt need many items to push.

                  But screw TB, better practise meepo who can win 1v5 in a losing game with decent farm and skills.

                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                    Terrorblade is mostly useful against high physical damage heroes (preferably glass cannons) and no one else.

                    Teamwork is the key

             there is another carry in your team that want safelane? no problem go jungle and go first item (midas or lifesteal) then rekt their tower in a split push/rat strategy.. ez vhs :D btw he had good farm just because I keep warding and dewarding everything on the map

                      Teamwork is the key

                        Btw the feel when you have more hero damage than your safelane tiny lol

                        Dire Wolf

                          You need to go man fighting items over split push items now. You do still use illusions to farm, send them through jungle and stuff, but you aren't going to rat or rush boots of travel etc.

                          I'd go treads, dominator (don't go vlads since you have a ranged form), aquila, sange and yasha or manta, s&y I like a bit more for early fighting but your manta illusions will hit hard late, then skadi and bkb, depends on which you need first. Then you can sell aquila and finish up with butterfly, daedulus or mkb if needed. The build isn't that drastically different from the rat tb except I would absolutely finish treads (before I'd go brown boots until manta/s&y then travels), and get that dominator and make bkb a bigger priority. Also talent wise maybe a value point in illusions but be maxing meta and then Q second.


                            That Deathball with TB is op

                            Dire Wolf

                              Drums is good early fight too.

                              I think TB got such a rep for being bad he's underrated right now. Problem is popular mids do shit all over him cus of his low hp like zeus, invoker, OD, dp. He's actually pretty decent vs right clickers cus he has high armor.