General Discussion

General DiscussionIs ur MMR important to you?

Is ur MMR important to you? in General Discussion

    well some ppl base their overall skill on MMR (i do too) and i do believe it matters, but is it important to you, like, if u get a loss do u flip over it and get mad cuz ur mmr went down? or u just chill over it and "meh who cares i aint going pro anyway"

    well for me i do not dwell on it much, i'd like it to get higher but i dont make the effort of getting better or even getting a higher number, i just wanna play the game. granted i rage at the game too but usually its not about my mmr but more about other stuff like mistakes on both me and my teammates side, and the most common, FRIGGING HIGH PING SFSDGSGG


      MMR matters, it really does in terms of long period progress.

      Do I care about it? no, like when I lose the game I ll flip over lossing the game like you would in any video game, but I wont flip over 25 points.


        No at times, yes some times


          For me yes, I play ranked seriously. For me MMR is where you gauge your skill.