General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do i easily get angry

Why do i easily get angry in General Discussion

    Why do i easily get angry. Even tho just a small mistake from the support like missclicking my creeps as a carry. What do i do. I dont have this kind of anger the last time i play mmr.


      You might be having a feeling that you are competing pro tournament final in the box along with 4 other players which mean that you cant even make a small mistake in a game as it can cost you a game if left a mistake unchecked.

      This is according to my psychology logic.


        Accept that everyone is shit and dont expect anything. Just play your own game in peace, you're only 1/5 of your team. If they dont wanna win really hard, just try your best and try next game. Anger makes you play worse.


          i always get angry when i play flawless support in first minutes and carry push the lane. so offlaner gets exp and with lvl 2, 3 on -say fenix or clockwork - all the efford i put into zoning goes to waste and from that level point onwards i cannot zone em anymore since they can kill me / trade more effectily. when that happens it is irreversable mistake. i tell my carry he shouldnt do that, then trying to salvavge it by making a pull.
          I think it makes us angry cause it destroys our effords and makes our game harder to win. Just mute em and try to make the best out of the situation.
          What helps me alot is to see, that enemy is just as retarded and we have still good chance of winning. just keep in mnd u cna still win if u do xxx so just work on that and ignore the idiots.


            u dont get mad cz some1 else does certain things. its just an excuse. u get mad cz u are a fuckboy, in the first place, and got an attitude of a weak ass pus$y. its always you to decide how to see things.
            change yourself, if it annoys you.

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              because you're angryman

              waku waku

                you do not understand that this game is not important enough to warrant being mad


                  Well said man kinda argeed with your point.


                    Work on yourself because you will never be able to play instead of your team and realize no matter how good you get you will never be the best, so do your best. And if you can't put up to the regular spam ping, base warding and courier feed from ocasional feeders mute particular players. (and btw pssst the problem isn't the team)


                      your nick is "Fucking killyourself pls". not sure that's helping.

                      even if you're doing it totally ironically, change your nick. change your nick to something comically nice, play ten games, report back.


                        Like your name OP :)


                          Sounds like you need to take a DOTA break OP. It's good for you. I have to do it too sometimes. You can only expect perfection when youre playing with a friend and have voicechat on.

                          Mr. Swag

                            Stop play dota for a week and refresh your mind, that's work for me

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                              i am spooky when im angry


                                so thats why u r always spooky


                                  Angry doges are always spooky


                                    i like how so many consecutive comments contain the word spooky, its pretty spooky tbh


                                      the spookiness arises even more


                                        atfer so many spooky comments i wanna watch somehting spooky now


                                          Search "spooky" in google images and tell us if brain bleach is needed or it's just normal spooky, or even just wussy spooky.

                                          plz do

                                            blaming others for tiny mistakes is often a result of denial of ur own faults. its a natural psychological defense mechanism, which keeps u mentally in good health. it loses games though..

                                            plz do

                                              sry for spooky combo breaker guise :(


                                                this breaker was spooky by itself, without even containing the word "spooky" inside it


                                                  need something spookier


                                                    i might even say that the fact of this comment lacking the word "spooky" was what made it spooky

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                                                      i got startled and spooked at the fact that my comment didnt post first time so i had to do it again


                                                        the spookiness of this thread is very spooky


                                                          Just spooky things!!

                                                          plz do

                                                            its the spookiest


                                                              I always misheard it Spooky Dooby Doo!


                                                                guys recommend me a good spooky movie or spooky series (preferably rather new)

                                                                i wanna get spooked tonight



                                                                    The spookyness is almost completely russian spooky. Coincidence? I think not. I'm even peruvian spooky.


                                                                      ill give it a try but the name is the opposite of spooky xD


                                                                        Well, Racoon City isn't the spookiest of names either ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                          ill see how spooky ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                            @Op - Positive mental attitude. Watch this spooky video

                                                                            plz do

                                                                              ^ rofl.....


                                                                                @ scraps no please wtf I HATE HORROR MOVIES.


                                                                                  so OP what happened with your experiment?

                                                                                  looks like you've played exactly 10 games since changing your nick from "Fucking killyourself pls" to "PositiveAttitude :)" and you won 7 out of those 10.


                                                                                    Because you don't build Rapier every game. That's why you get mad.

                                                                                    Von Darkmoor

                                                                                      If you play kärry then learn to fucking lasthit for fuck sake if you're as godlike as you think you are then outlasthitting everyone should be ezzzzzZz !!!!!!

                                                                                      If its not then dont flames go -repick and pick sappart or go a semikärry this way you need as much farm. Viper, Potm, Bristle, Windrunner etc