General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat the fuck I got Calibrated 2.4 and now im 1.7 k ????

What the fuck I got Calibrated 2.4 and now im 1.7 k ???? in General Discussion

    Guys there is something wrong seriously I get allot of retards I dont know why Im so unlucky with the teams either feeders or fucking leavers after first blood calling gg after 2 deaths????


      Same thing happens to other team when you win.


        34% winrate in ranked and you dare to talk about your teams? Fact is that you're shit and you will soon drop even lower.


          Don't listen to Deadweight. It's about your team mates, esp. in 1k mmr. They are so toxic.

          He's 0.5k underdog anyways, who the fuck is he to tell you how you're supposed to play high level doto.

          You're definitely unlucky. I feel you.


            The answer seems obvious to me u r good at spect but not at other heroes.

            Mr. Swag

              Lead your team to stick, push and fight for towers, that's my advice in 2k

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              Mr. Swag

                And sometimes play versatile heroes like sk, veno or batrider. Dont always pick carry

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                  u just managed to calibrate way higher than u deserve, and as a result u r losing now


                    you are the "retard" not your teammates, when u cant win the game alone in this shit bracket or help your team to win the game you dont deserve to climb the ladder, the teammate of yours are as bad as the enemey teammates

                    if you want to climb in mmr :
                    1. accept you are shit
                    2. accept not your team ruins the game its you
                    3. learn to tryhard get better at every aspect of the game


                      Who would have liked to play a game that requires to accept that you are shit.


                        lol what happened dood..?


                          Goes heart 2nd item on PL, blames team 4 H e a d


                            ^Eh? Heart is fine.


                              Before manta?


                                HoT is nowhere near fine b4 diffs and manta in any case

                                Pale Mannie

                                  Even i feel disgusted as a normal skill scrub by this Heart rush

                                  Pale Mannie

                                    Same with zueses going aghs 2nd item


                                      just do something at all times and farm more efficient and all games are winnable below 5k


                                        M8 I CALIBRATED AT 1469 AND IM AT 2150 RIGHT NOW WHATS THE POINT OF THIS?


                                          get 69% ranked winrate kappa

                                          Bad Intentions

                                            OP good lord stop playin first and cleanse the aura :O dem reds :O


                                              15 losing streaks, I dunno man. But I dont play ranked games every game. Max 2 perday is enough. 1 per day is recommended. Others I just play unranked for improvements and test skill build which is more important. Ranked is the manifestation of our skill and its like sports.u practice everyday and ranked is like matchday...practice is more important and I consider that unranked or bot.


                                                I just calibrated at 4k.. my recent account was 3k but i tried a new account since i know my mechanical skills are of a 4k-ish something.. okay so my friend is sttuck at 1250 mmr for sometime and had a 48% win rate so i tested if i could actually raise his mmr since many of u guys are bubbling about retarded teammates in 1k bracket.. i can say that yesss, most of the players there are lacking the knowledge and timing (mechanical skill overall) but if u are good enough or as good as u think u are u would be able to carry ur team to victory.. i cant actually praise myself too much since i lost some games in that bracket but it was mostly me playing a low impact hero that could not create space for myself to 1 v 5 and that last drow game is because i have no lanes to start with since our axe backdoor so having lane to farm in the start is also important since u can easily lasthit/deny against ur enemies.. feel free to watch account for proof.. i raised his mmr to 1725 in 4 days i guess +475


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                                                  just remember you'll never drop as much as this


                                                    I take that back YOU actually might lol


                                                      I calibrated at 2.5k and I'm now 3.5k, you just have to git gud and keep playing.


                                                        Wow ..
                                                        Pudge item build lol....high physical Damage carry...zz
                                                        Midas, Deso, Deadalaus, yasha shange...zz

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                                                          OP, the answer is your tower damage in every game. Could not find it more than 1.5k, usually it's 1k only or less.
                                                          177 tower damage as AM in 40 minutes, wut?? Did you even leave your jungle?

                                                          House Cat

                                                            Wow I never thought someone would have a worse losing streak than what I am having now. HAHAHAHAHA

                                                            Visita Hari Danta

                                                              something is really wrong, you must be a 6k player, but you keep losing games cuz of your retarded teams


                                                                15 Loss streak man.... I think you need to learn how to play before play ranked seriously.

                                                                lm ao

                                                                  Ive been in much murkier waters

                                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                                    You're probably not very good yourself and are suffering from dunning kruger syndrome, everyone goes through this, some are worser case than others, but the majority of good (even decent) dota players at one point realized they were shit, you probably still haven't realized it.

                                                                    Also, the more lower the MMR bracket, the more toxic your teammates are.

                                                                    I don't care what ANYONE SAYS, it DOES get better the higher you go in terms of how you are treated, every bracket has toxic players, but 2K has got to be the worse. 1 and 2K MMR players literally worship Riki and Pudge, and if you miss EVEN ONE hook with pudge, first thing you hear is " noob pudge. "

                                                                    I was at a friends house who is 1.3K MMR, I played on his account to literally fuck around with Pudge in ranked and show him how easy it is for me to win games in his bracket cause he didn't believe it was possible to climb in 1K, I remember one specific game I played Pudge (cause hooking noobs is fun) I started off 0-2 (cause of messing around, and one misplay by me against the 1K queen >.> yeah I know) but finished 17-3 5 slotted. But almost that WHOLE GAME had teammates bitching at me, and saying " LMAO noob pudge, can't even land hooks. "These were 2-9 teammates, and a Lion trying to build Monkey King bar. The was literally CONVINCED he belonged in 3K or 10K for that matter.

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                                                                          If your teammates are bad then your enemies should also be bad. If you are really meant to be in higher MMR you would win.

                                                                          bAlAnCeD mAtChMaKiNg

                                                                            I calibrated at 600 and now I'm 3.1k. You're just bad m8.


                                                                              I was calibrated at 1.8 K and now I'm at 3.8 K. I even stopped playing for 2-3 months ranked due to my studies last year. In SEA, to say the least, where we have true retarded enemies and allies. So maybe you should start looking at yourself. It could be mostly your team's fault, but ARE you innocent? You can't change your team to be better, but you can change yourself.

                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                I started playing 5 months ago, got 2.6k both solo and party. Now I'm 3.2k in both. If I lose due to my team feeding, I deserve it: I'm noob and I can't carry a fuck at this shit rating. Anyway about toxic players I can tell you, from my little experience, that the majority of times the idiots flaming are the worst feeding players in the game, just mute them and play your game

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                                                                                    Take responaibility mate...losing 700 MMR you need to own up


                                                                                      I hear you. It doesn't just boil down to your individual skill and ability. I am 1k and most team mates are absolute tripe! All you get is abuse in chat about your mom your sister and your dog. You get kids feeding like fuck, not doing anything in the lanes or just jungling the entire game while you solo in safe lane v 3 while getting zoned. It's near impossible to win the game when mid and offlane have fed the whole laning stage.

                                                                                      Yes this game is all about you and how well you play but many folk that have managed to get past the 1-2k don't have a clue what it's like down in the lower brackets. They aren't at that level anymore and they don't see it game after game. These folk who are higher mmr play mostly with others who know what they are doing throughout all stages of the game. You are lucky to get 1 team mate who knows what to do at all stages of the game.

                                                                                      The only way to get out of it is get better yourself and learn to carry your team. That means playing to your strengths hero wise and game mechanics wise.

                                                                                      Just mute the imbeciles and play a solid game the best you can.


                                                                                        Also I notice your losing streak is very severe and you need to take a break and stop tilting.


                                                                                          Guys im not a bad player the people in rank are toxic from minute one !

                                                                                          Bocchi The Rock

                                                                                            have u try zeus? or nature prophet? i'm spamming zeus and np to climb up in 2k bracket


                                                                                              If you still believe that you lose because you have bad luck so you got retarded teammate, then just bring luck into your overall performance. If you dont know how to improve your luck then just improve other aspects like last hitting or decision-making. If you can't do it, accept your fate. Good luck.

                                                                                              Bocchi The Rock

                                                                                                this is your best match imo

                                                                                                i think there's no mistakes in your team draft, not like my typical 2k teammates, i pick zeus, one picks invoker, another one pick alchemist that want mid

                                                                                                double down clown

                                                                                                  You know, to raise your mmr in 1k bracket, you want one tip. Dont die. All you got to do. It seems you take unnecessary risks which you dont need to do. Plus Just work on basics eg, Last hitting, Looking at minimap everycouple seconds, you should have an idea of what items your enemy have and what can kill you. Also, you need to accept the fact that You are shockingly bad at dota, and the onlyway to improve is to accept that and focus on yourself, not your team. I bet you are one of those people who looks at your team more than your own hero when playing the game. Also there is the mute button for a reason. USE IT, Seriously just mute them, and DONT for What ever reason unmute them. I don't care if game is looking up for you, because 1 mistake and they are back to flaming. Also dont be afraid to play support, sometimes just vission alone can win games.
                                                                                                  I know this from experiance as i climbed from 1.2 to 3.2 currently.


                                                                                                    Dota is a team game = no teamwork mean lose. Im normal skill but i know, the most important think is teamwork in dota. Know your role in the game. Btw im unlucky too, have low winrate coz have team mate who cant play as a team lol