General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed some advice from veteran naga players

Need some advice from veteran naga players in General Discussion

    I really wanna master naga siren, but I have a hard time winning games with her, and I don't really know why. I think my decision making / split push, lane cutting is not being done efficiently enough. I managed to farm a 15 min radi in this game, but still lost it cause of probably poor decision making / itemization. Need some veteran naga players to tell me what I could have done differently to win the game. I basically just farmed, and suddenly the game lasted over an hour. This is 4,6k btw.

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Why the fuck you have a Rapier on Naga? Why don't you have HoT instead? Why didn't you sell Fly for Skadi when Sven got MKB? Why only 3k TD? And why do you max net?


        In hindsight it was probably because I haven't been in that many late game situations, and I amused i needed damage aka rapier in order to come back from the game and defend the base. I didn't wonna sell my octarine core, as I didn't know if i could still hold vs the mega creeps without it, as I haven't been in this kind of late game situation before. I should probably also have maxed stats I agree now when i look back on it, and could prob have gone heart / AC / crit damage or something. Only 3k TD because I don't fully understand how to push efficently, which is why i made this thread :3

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          1) Your voker was dogshit
          2) I dont saw your game but you have to run down supports with your illusions during tfs naga is good tf hero with farm if played properly you can almost perma haunt enemies microing illusions during sieges / stands its easy, teamfight micro is hard
          3) Sven was their only right clicker and he has mkb so you could replace butterfly by skadi, or heart or diffusal
          4) As six slotted naga you can always kill t3 towers and range raxes cheaping them with illusions, this is slow but works
          5) Your voker was the worst dogshit


            Look at your teams net worth.


              I agree that if Invoker had half a brain this game would have been won 100%, but I try not to blame others, as I could have carried the game 1vs9 if I did some stuff differently.

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              Dune, the Desert Planet

                Rapier gives 0 damage to illusions. Really poor item on Naga. Butter becomes just expensive AGI versus MKB.

                Just permanently cut the creeps. Watch mini-map so you know where to send illusions. Creep positions mirror each other.


                  Yeah I understand that, I also know how to creep cut the lanes by sending illsuons out from middle / bot at xx:10-12 or xx:40-42, and that i can cut the lane from the enemies jungle at xx:20 / xx:50, but are there other places on the map I can use to farm / annoy the enemy efficiently. I really want to memorize all the Naga farming patterns, so I can play her to her full potential.

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    Old patch, before OC, Puppey playing Naga mid. Watch and fucking be amazed what kind of dog shits he carries:

                    Seriously watch the entire thing.


                      most naga players cuts waves but dont hit buildings... if a single creep is near enemy base send those idle illusions to hit some t3 tower / range rax, but MICRO the illusions one by one if you send a global order to attack forward illusions never will hit the tower unless that tower is alone without creeps and without defending heroes.
                      chase weak heroes who cannot kill your illusions quickly, dont send a single illusion to fight sven instead micro the illusion near the creep wave and burn creeps with radiance to get aggro, never let enemy carries just kill your illusions for free make sure they waste spells or healt or time or building hp of course ;).


                        everyone knows how to cut waves by the enemy base, but when the enemy were about to push your towers, you did you use 1 illusion to kill the incoming wave or did you just cut waves at the enemy base. because if the enemy creeps never reach your buildings, then you are protected by backdoor protection which heals all the damage dealt and reduces incoming damage while it's active.

                        if you only cut waves by the enemy side of the map but you let the current creep wave reach your base, then you aren't stopping the push of the enemy. 1 creep getting past is all that is needed to remove backdoor protection.

                        no idea on what your bfly timing was but since the only right clicker on the enemy team eventually had an mkb against it, you'd be better off selling it and replacing it with a diffusal blade, or even an ethereal blade, purely for the higher agi, since butterfly is basically 6k gold for 30 agi, there is no evasion. skadi would give 5 less agi but also tons more HP which is useful against all the other enemies.

                        when you're past 6 slotted you can probably get rid of radiance in favour of a damage/stat item to help you kill heroes or buildings more efficiently. maybe keep it in stash if you do need to cut waves. assault cuirass doesn't give armour to your illusions but the aura does give attack speed and they still apply the -5 armour to buildings, which makes it better than butterfly for taking buildings. if most enemy cores have mkbs, replace butterfly with literally anything. it's more or less a really expensive eaglesong.

                        i didn't watch the replay so i don't know if any of the following tips apply to your game, but watch this naga replay analysis by aui_2000
                        the naga in the video also gets a super fast 15 minute radiance but still loses

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                            Hmm, may I ask, how did Naga benefit from Octarine? For CD reduction on Illusions? Bcz if you need more survivability, maybe Skadi is better?

                            Livin' Real Good


                              Just goes so well with her game plan.

                              Less cool down on Manta Style? Mm, yes, more split pushing radiance pressure.
                              Less cool down on her Illusion skill? Mm, yes, more split pushing radiance pressure.

                              The extra HP pool you get is nice, and the mana pool is also nice to sustain spells to the point where you won't even need a bottle, or ever have to return to base for mana.

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                                100% cd uptime on illusions
                                i think the song cd goes with the illusions
                                illusions harder to kill

                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                  looks like you got hard counter by sven pick. Everybody on your team fed. Once you are stunned or damaged, nyx with his dagon 5 can easily target you. I would go bkb as last item instead of core or w/e your last item choice was.


                                    ^ what are you talking about

                                    Low Expectations

                                      ask iwin4Arka, he even made a Naga guide


                                        sven doesn't really hard counter naga since naga for the most part doesn't clump her illusions up for sven to cleave.

                                        you're not even playing that game and you still find the need to blame teammates. just 3k things


                                          Watch the replays with an opend mind, should help greatly: